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Dr. Bernstein

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I recently read a post in which someone stated they had surgery by Dr. Bernstein and experienced more permanent shockloss then they did growth. The poster said he had more hair BEFORE surgery than after. This was 16 months after surgery. The doctor told him his case was atypical, but I thought NONE of the coalition dr.s' had results like this? Almost none of the transplanted hair grew in and he experienced significant permanent shockloss!? How common is this? Even if it is only in 10% of the patients performed by excellent doctors, it makes me seriously question having a ht.


Does anyone know WHY or how OFTEN transplanted hairs just wont grow in?

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  • Senior Member

I recently read a post in which someone stated they had surgery by Dr. Bernstein and experienced more permanent shockloss then they did growth. The poster said he had more hair BEFORE surgery than after. This was 16 months after surgery. The doctor told him his case was atypical, but I thought NONE of the coalition dr.s' had results like this? Almost none of the transplanted hair grew in and he experienced significant permanent shockloss!? How common is this? Even if it is only in 10% of the patients performed by excellent doctors, it makes me seriously question having a ht.


Does anyone know WHY or how OFTEN transplanted hairs just wont grow in?

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the coalition doctors on this site are reviewed very often and compared with all high standards transplant doctors. Very rarely, you'll see a patient with low yields from the transplant. I personally have not done much research on Dr. Bernstein's patients and their results, but I'm sure it's safe to assume that one patient is one of the few that was not satisfied with the results. There will always be a risk of having shockloss, when transplanting hair to areas where there are some thinning native hair, but an experienced doctor can minimize that. I've had 2000 grafts tranplanted in areas all around thinning native hair, and so far(3 months post op) I can tell you that there is either none or very minimal shock loss on the native hair.


There are a few medical treatments such as propecia and rogaine that could help minimize the shockloss as well. I've never tried Rogaine, but have been on propecia.

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  • Senior Member

SA, thanks. Yeah Ive done my share of research on here and haven't seen any other complaints like the above mentioned from a coalition doc. But, nonetheless its pretty concerning. If I get one done Ill probably go to H&W. I was going to try propecia but I recently found a website called propeciahelp (or something like that) and read nothing but horror stories from guys that said they had PERMANENT sexual sides effects from it. So, Im not sure if ill be trying it.

hows your experience with propecia? did your doc shave the recipient area?

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No, I didn't see any side effects with Propecia, and the percentage of people that do are only 2%. You should try it for a week, if you see side effects then stop using it, because the it's rare that people see side effects. I didn't want to try Rogaine, because I don't want to apply it on my head twice a day for the rest of my life. My doctor didn't shave my head, even after I'd mentioned that I don't mind shaving my head at all.

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