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An "Acceptable" Scar?


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Hey everyone. I'm wondering what is considered an acceptable scar nowadays? I know that it can vary depending on the patient's scalp tightness and ability to heal. But what should most of us be happy with? This is for myself and others who read this forum and are concerned about the scar and should know before going into an HT.





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Hey everyone. I'm wondering what is considered an acceptable scar nowadays? I know that it can vary depending on the patient's scalp tightness and ability to heal. But what should most of us be happy with? This is for myself and others who read this forum and are concerned about the scar and should know before going into an HT.





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This is quite the timely topic!!! Scars are a thing that no one seems to be able to accurately predice, use sutures, use staples, use both, 2 layered closing etc. etc.


The key is to go with a doc who has consistent scar appearances to achieve the best result for yourself. As everyone is different scaring is dependent on so many factors, however there are things that we as patients can do to help minimize the scar like proper diet, rest, avoidance of certain items all prior to the HT procedure. There is also a series of excercises that you can do to help with laxity which directly contributes to scar results.



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Originally posted by danger:

So what is there that I myself can do to ensure a neat scar?




I think a major factor is hygiene. Keeping the scar clean while the stitches/ staples are still in is a great start, in my opinion. I did this directly post op by shampooing the scar rather aggressively while sitting in the tub. I would do this for around 3 minutes. Then, I would lay back and massage the area in the warm water for another five. This helps to dislodge any gunk that forms in the sutures and probably speeds healing.


Another factor is stress to the donor area. Limit your exercise and err on the side of caution. I didn't go to the gym at all for about a month. Even after that I didn't do any major lifting. I especially avoided situps and crunches for three whole months. Anything that forces your head forward and/or strains the muscles surrounding the area would be detrimental for a while.


Just use good common sense and keep the area clean.





Check out the results of my surgical hair restoration performed by Dr. Jerry Cooley by visiting my Hair Loss Weblog


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I trully wished I had found this site before I went for my HT. I was told not to pick off the dried blood in the scar area when the stitches were in..ironically those are the areas that I now have 2 "Dime" circular scar tissue formations which hair will probably not grow through. Had I known, I would have made sure to completely clean off the area so all that was in view were the stitches. This really sucks that I was poorly informed.

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Keep your chin up, eric123. It is way too early to tell what exactly is going to happen back there. Did you see the picture of my scar that I posted? I had some very real shock loss back there. In just a few weeks, however, it was completely covered again. Give it some time and try not to stress over it too much.





Check out the results of my surgical hair restoration performed by Dr. Jerry Cooley by visiting my Hair Loss Weblog


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  • 3 weeks later...

I really haven't gotten the answers I've been looking for here, so I thought I'd bump this one up. Obviously the majority of us on this site have had HT's and have strip scars. I just want to know how wide everyone's is? And what is considered to be a good scar width? I'd really appreciate the feedback here.



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Danger let me tell you from my experience. It is a crap shoot on how well your scar will turn out. Yes some have the perfect scar but in my case I didn't and the doctor even stated it was a text book procedure. If you ask the doc to put it in writing that it will be 1-2mm he will say he won't...why is because you never know how your body will react. Plain and simple. I stated to the doc "will my scar get any bigger with the 2nd HT" he said "NO"....result was it ended up MUCH wider. His reaction "well we can fix that".

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