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Redness at 3 months post op.

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I had a hair transplant on the 5th of January of 2010. I am currently

approaching the 3 month mark and I am curious if I should still have mild

redness in the transplanted area. Its noticeable enough so that I have

continued to wear a hat. Also, what is the appropriate time frame in which

any shock loss around the donor hair incision should grow back? Any comments

are appreciated.


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Can't answer re. shock loss but this works like a charm for me for reducing and disguising redness.


First to reduce redness:- Take 1 or 2 soluble aspirin and mix with a few drops of water/other liquid so it becomes a thick paste. Place the aspirin paste over the red area and let it sit there for 20mins then wash off. The redness won't be gone immediately, but within a few hours I notice a big improvement. I do it once very 36hrs. If you do a search on 'aspirin mask' you'll see this is a well-established treatment for facial redness/acne.


Second, to disguise redness via decreasing contrast between red and pale skin. Take one tiny drop of Clinque non-streak bronzer for men and mix with a facial moisturiser in your hand. This stuff is more like a dye than a foundation, if you put it on properly in small amounts, it never looks like make-up, or orangey fake, even in natural light. Smooth this into forehead around and over border of red area (and over face to blend in).


With this regimen, I've gone from having to cover transplanted area (hairline lowering with FUG) with ridiculous pull foward bowl cut to normal styling. It's not perfect but huge difference.

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  • Regular Member

My redness was apparent (to me) until the 3-4 month mark. No one said anything but I pointed it out to one particular person and they said it was kind of there. So I'm not sure how bad it really was. I tried polysporin at 10 days to 14 days and it was more trouble than it was worth.

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Thank you for the replies. I'm currently overseas in Afghanistan so I had no one available for a 2nd opinion. My doctor was great but I was initially informed that I should see no traces at this stage. I've attached a 2nd image for review. Could I get an opinion as to whether the present length of hair should be adequate to cover the donor area (after hair lossed from shock loss grows back). Or will I need to grow my hair longer to cover the scar. Opinions are appreciated.


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