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I'm sure most of you have heard about this combo as a form to combat hair loss. The reason I am asking about it it because I read a web page from some guy swearing by it, also I read a few posts on thebaldtruth from people swearing by the formula+25% lemon juice. Supposedly, according to guy with the web page, zinc/b-6 can prevent 100% dht in scalp, where proscar would only do 65%, this web page is at



has anyone here tried it? any luck? I am hesitant to order the zinc sulfate and b-6 pyridoxal because you can't find that at a store and need to order it offline. I would however get regular zinc and b-6 Pyridoxine from cvs for about $12 and try that, but that isn't what this guy lists you need, but I am pretty sure there wouldn't be much of a difference, or am I wrong? any opinions here guys? is it worth ordering what he uses? is it worth getting it at cvs? is it worth bothering? thanks!




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  • Regular Member

I'm sure most of you have heard about this combo as a form to combat hair loss. The reason I am asking about it it because I read a web page from some guy swearing by it, also I read a few posts on thebaldtruth from people swearing by the formula+25% lemon juice. Supposedly, according to guy with the web page, zinc/b-6 can prevent 100% dht in scalp, where proscar would only do 65%, this web page is at



has anyone here tried it? any luck? I am hesitant to order the zinc sulfate and b-6 pyridoxal because you can't find that at a store and need to order it offline. I would however get regular zinc and b-6 Pyridoxine from cvs for about $12 and try that, but that isn't what this guy lists you need, but I am pretty sure there wouldn't be much of a difference, or am I wrong? any opinions here guys? is it worth ordering what he uses? is it worth getting it at cvs? is it worth bothering? thanks!




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  • Senior Member

My dermatologist thinks it is idiotic and could actually "irritate" your scalp.


I asked Dr. Bernstien on that same forumn:

his response:


"it is B.S.".


Personally I think the joker on that site is mis-leading people with his constant post's. His "mix up a batch" makes it sound like a homeade Godsend.


But you be your own judge !! that is my take. And a wedsite doesnt make a product legit.



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  • Regular Member

I know the website doesn't make it legit, but it just adds fuel to the fire. I'm not opposed to trying it to aid(not replace) my current regiment(proscar, saw palmetto, regaine every so often) $12 yields a 4 year supply, not that I would concider putting it on my scalp for 4 years unless it makes every hair on my head just as thick as they were when I was 10. Since it is so cheap why not try it right? unless it irritates my scalp, but I doubt it will since there is no alcohol in it, just distilled water and a vitamin and a miniral. I doubt a doc would ever back this up since there is no proof of it working, same a saw palmetto, but I know that dropped my shedding rate, or it was a BIG coincidence. I still want to give it a try I just need to know if there is a difference between zinc sulfate(that gets 50mg of zinc from) and zinc and b-6 pyridoxal or pyridine?




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  • Senior Member

I have nothing personal against any guy trying anything....hair tonics and baldness cure's have been around forever, how many have stood the test of time ?


Julius Ceasar wore leaves on his head to cover his thinning scalp !! If you asked "him" he would probably reply that it solved his baldness...



Good Luck !!


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  • Regular Member

I realize what you are getting at, there are tons of snake oils out there, lots of people being ripped off and mislead, thats why I appreciate all positive and negitive comments about zinc/b6 that I might read, I would really love to hear it from some people who have tried it.




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