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Transplant Questions from New Member

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Hey Everyone, I'm really glad I found this site.


I'm 22 years old and I've been losing my hair for a few years now, but the past year and half have been pretty bad. I don't know yet how bad my hair loss will get, but I've been on Propecia for about 6 months, and while it has worked, I still do have some hair shedding. My crown is getting pretty bad as it my frontal area.


So I've come to conclusion that if I want to keep a head full of hair, a transplant is in order, so I had a lot of questions like everybody else considering this procedure.


One of my concerns is the price, but I'm not really willing to sacrafice quality for a cheap trick either. I was wondering if you guys could share with me your knowledge about pricing. I know the ranges and all, but nothing concrete. Like I said, this isnt' THAT big of a deal for me, but everything out there on the web is very vague when it comes to the price of the procedure. Obviously it will depend on how many grafts and the more you get the cheaper it is per graft. I think I will need about 2000 grafts.


Thanks everyone.

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Hey Everyone, I'm really glad I found this site.


I'm 22 years old and I've been losing my hair for a few years now, but the past year and half have been pretty bad. I don't know yet how bad my hair loss will get, but I've been on Propecia for about 6 months, and while it has worked, I still do have some hair shedding. My crown is getting pretty bad as it my frontal area.


So I've come to conclusion that if I want to keep a head full of hair, a transplant is in order, so I had a lot of questions like everybody else considering this procedure.


One of my concerns is the price, but I'm not really willing to sacrafice quality for a cheap trick either. I was wondering if you guys could share with me your knowledge about pricing. I know the ranges and all, but nothing concrete. Like I said, this isnt' THAT big of a deal for me, but everything out there on the web is very vague when it comes to the price of the procedure. Obviously it will depend on how many grafts and the more you get the cheaper it is per graft. I think I will need about 2000 grafts.


Thanks everyone.

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Hi Aja,


Welcome to the forums. Everyone here can relate to what you are struggling with, I started losing my hair when I was 22 also.


Before I get to pricing, let me mention a few things that other people will also post I am sure. The fact that you are on Propecia is wonderful...and I'm glad to hear it is helping. There is some controversy about age as to whether or not it is a good idea to get an HT at such an early age. One of the big controversies is, in my opinion, not as much age as it is the future of your hair loss. You could get an HT to fill in the missing gaps, but what happens if you lose more in a few years? You are not committing to getting future HTs to "keep up" or "stay ahead" of your hair loss. Also, another thing you should be aware of, is that while an HT can give you some good coverage and/or density depending on the loss of your hair, it will never "restore" your hair or even make it as thick as it once was. Do your homework, research this site, etc. Just remember...hair loss isn't 100% predictable. Your family of hairloss should give you a good indication, but you could do worse off or better than your family in this area. Do you have any pictures you can take and post to show us what your hair looks like right now? Though I know it's discouraging losing your hair, if you don't have a lot of hairloss and Propecia is working for you, your best bet is to stay on the meds and forget the HT for now. You can always get an HT later. You may be one of the lucky ones who doesn't experience anymore hair loss, and then you can get an HT if you want later knowing that your hair will most likely not get worse. At this point in the game, it's a little tricky to know, and you could regret your decision of getting an HT.


Now, for pricing...the good news is most HT docs, whether ethical or not, tend to charge around the same price which is typically between $4-$5 per graft (1-4 hair units) for strip surgery. FUE is typically around $12 a graft I think...though I didn't do too much research on this technology...so I may be wrong on the price. So if you need 2000 grafts for example, you will pay between $8000-$10000. It's a lot of money, especially when you are only 22.


Again, it's hard to make an actual eval in terms of what you consider loss without pics. But most people who just starting to lose hair are in panic mode and think they need an HT when they've only lost a little hair. I understand what this feels like, but HT may not be the answer for you this early in the game. Post pictures, and STAY ON Propecia. I wish I was as smart as you at 22 and got on Propecia right away.



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Bill gave you some great info. It is very wise to not sacrifice quality for price. The good news is that most of the most ethcal and skilled physicians as listed on the Hair Transplant Network charge less than the more questionable clinics. Strange, but happily true.





Check out the results of my surgical hair restoration performed by Dr. Jerry Cooley by visiting my Hair Loss Weblog


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