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TOPIC: AFTER A HT I GOT BALDER icon_rolleyes.gif!!



posted: June 15, 2003 Local time; 9+ hours.



Dear Sir icon_biggrin.gif,


I RECENTLY MEASURED MY BALD SPOT icon_mad.gif AFTER TWO HTs AND I WAS BALDER. icon_cool.gificon_rolleyes.gif


Why? Because? they cut two (2HTs) donor- strips out of the back of my head and so it streched it up. First I was 16 x 16 cm. Now 16 width x 21 long icon_rolleyes.gif. So they must cut out alltogheter 5 cm of donorstrip. So actually ht patients are runnign behind the facts!!!!


--I mean here with the new baldspot icon_rolleyes.gif

the ht-area +the new bald icon_biggrin.gif area--.


icon_razz.gifStay C00L icon_razz.gif

icon_mad.gifNoWayyyyyy!!. icon_mad.gif



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TOPIC: AFTER A HT I GOT BALDER icon_rolleyes.gif!!



posted: June 15, 2003 Local time; 9+ hours.



Dear Sir icon_biggrin.gif,


I RECENTLY MEASURED MY BALD SPOT icon_mad.gif AFTER TWO HTs AND I WAS BALDER. icon_cool.gificon_rolleyes.gif


Why? Because? they cut two (2HTs) donor- strips out of the back of my head and so it streched it up. First I was 16 x 16 cm. Now 16 width x 21 long icon_rolleyes.gif. So they must cut out alltogheter 5 cm of donorstrip. So actually ht patients are runnign behind the facts!!!!


--I mean here with the new baldspot icon_rolleyes.gif

the ht-area +the new bald icon_biggrin.gif area--.


icon_razz.gifStay C00L icon_razz.gif

icon_mad.gifNoWayyyyyy!!. icon_mad.gif



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