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Could Propecia work this fast?


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Hey guys, I've only been on propecia for about 1 and a half months and I can almost swear that I SEE it working already. I began the regimen following my last HT procedure which was on the 29th of August.


The HT was for the front of my head, but my hairloss was progressing back to the crown. The midscalp back to crown was becoming finer, wispy, and limp. Even the color of the hair in these areas was lightening.


But now, after a month of propecia usage, the hair in these areas is covering better and the hairshafts look like they're getting larger, less wispy, and just more healthy looking. Is it unheard of to see this drug work so quickly? Or is it just a figment of my imagination? Believe me, I'm paying close attention. Heck, I stare in the mirror at my hair almost neurotically. I'm just wondering if anyone else has experienced any visable benefits from propecia so soon after starting it.


I know the answer to this question is probably burried in the posts here somewhere but I'm to lazy to look.icon_smile.gif Thanks for your answers.

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Hey guys, I've only been on propecia for about 1 and a half months and I can almost swear that I SEE it working already. I began the regimen following my last HT procedure which was on the 29th of August.


The HT was for the front of my head, but my hairloss was progressing back to the crown. The midscalp back to crown was becoming finer, wispy, and limp. Even the color of the hair in these areas was lightening.


But now, after a month of propecia usage, the hair in these areas is covering better and the hairshafts look like they're getting larger, less wispy, and just more healthy looking. Is it unheard of to see this drug work so quickly? Or is it just a figment of my imagination? Believe me, I'm paying close attention. Heck, I stare in the mirror at my hair almost neurotically. I'm just wondering if anyone else has experienced any visable benefits from propecia so soon after starting it.


I know the answer to this question is probably burried in the posts here somewhere but I'm to lazy to look.icon_smile.gif Thanks for your answers.

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  • Senior Member

Harve, you remind me of myself. I too noticed the exact same thing shortly after starting finasteride. I also noticed a few new hairs sprout near my hairline (those are the easiest to see) after only a couple of months. If that is true, then naturally it could also have a strengthening effect on your hair in general in that amount of time. Some people don't believe me on this, but oh well, it sure seemed to be the case for me.


2700 Total Grafts w/ Keene 9/28/05

663 one's = 663

1116 two's = 2232

721 three's = 2163

200 four's = 800

Hair Count = 5858


1000 Total Grafts w/Keene 2/08/07

Mostly combined FU's for 2600+ hairs


My Photo Album


See me at Dr. Keene's Gallery

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  • Senior Member

I don't see why it would be impossible for Propecia to give visual thickening in a short period of time. I can imagine that it would be entirely plausible that the hairs that are not rushed into the telegen phase be strengthened by limiting DHT binding to their follicles. This would certainly lead to a overall healthier look.


Just curious, do either (or both) of you have high metabolisms?





Check out the results of my surgical hair restoration performed by Dr. Jerry Cooley by visiting my Hair Loss Weblog


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Yeah I guess you could say that I have a high metabolism. When I was a teenager, it was incredibly fast! Even more than the usual person. I think it's slowed down a little since I'm pushin' the upper twenties, but it's still pretty fast.


I've also heard that excercising can speed up a person's metabolism. Maybe this is a way that anyone on propecia might be able to make it work faster! Who knows? Thanks guys.

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  • 5 weeks later...

not me i have been using it for almost a yr and i dont feel like it is working. I dont know what else to do. I have tried all the solutions and now the pills I am only 27 just turned 27 and I am going to be bald soon. ugghhhhh there has to be something that can help. do you think when you shave your head it makes it look worse?

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Will Propecia also grow dark crown hair, rather than just the fine, whispy ones? I have a baseball sized bald spot on my crown. There's hair, but it's all that fine, whispy, "invisible" stuff.


I was on Propecia for a few months earlier this year. I thought it was starting to work after just a few months. My hair felt thicker, and I could have sworn there was a new small patch of dark hair. Unfortunately, I fell off the wagon. I started up again this month, though, so I'm hoping to have another quick response.

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