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Get The Red Out

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Hi All,


I'm two weeks out of surgery. I'm beginning to experience shock loss in the donor area and the recipient site. Yesterday was the first time someone noticed the redness in the recipient site due to the shock loss setting in and my hairline receding. I've read about using Aloe or Maderma to reduce the redness. Someone also mentioned taking MSM.


Please let me know what has worked for you with regard to reducing redness. Also, should I use rogain on the donor are to limit shock loss their?





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I started using Graftcyte on post-op day 2. I stopped after all the scabs were gone. I'll continue on it if it helps reduce the redness.


I wanted to know if anyone else had good results with other products: Aloe, mederma...etc.


The shock loss in the donor area is starting to freak me out. I seem to be loosing the hair below the scar and the hair on top is covering it. I'm not sure how much worse it will get. I'm wondering how much longer I will lose hair to shock loss before it stabilizes? Everyone's different. I realize that. What have your experiences been?


It also appears that I have some nerve damage on the right side of the donor area & that is where the shock loss is more prevalent.





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Hey Stamos,


That's pretty funny. I know I have brain damage b/c my girl friend reminds me a couple times a week. This time I'm talking about nerve damage. Tomorrow (2/25) will mark three weeks since my HT. I went to the ER late last week b/c I still felt what I consider a significant amount of a pain in two areas along the suture line. The doctor said it was most likely nerve damage & to be patient while the nerves ???fix??? themselves.


This is what I feel:


There are actually two areas along the suture line just above and behind my right ear where I'm feeling the discomfort. If I run my finger from the left side of the suture line around to the right side I don't experience any discomfort until I hit that first spot. Then there is a short space along the line where it feels fine before I hit the second spot that is painful. I'm aware of the sensitive areas throughout the day but it's not so bad that it is constantly distracting me. When I touch the areas I definitely feel a sharp pain that will linger for a while.


The areas I'm talking about have been healing slowly but there's still more discomfort than I would have expected.



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Hey Johnny99,


You could try distilled witch hazel, I never used it in the donor (at least, not for any length of time) but I applied it to the receipt which seemed to help with the redness.


I know this isn't the same as what you're describing, but post-op, there was an area on my forehead that if I scratched it I would feel it in my crown instead of the area I scratched; It was like that for so long that I thought it must be permanent damage, however, after around 9 months everything returned to normal.

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No worries. I was just kidding with you. The pain points I was talking about are feeling better every day so I'm no too concerned anymore. I was kinda freaked out b/c everything felt good except those two areas.


I started on the witch hazel yesterday. I'll post the results that I see.



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