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steroids & propecia??

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i was wondering what the relationship of propecia & steroids are. i have 2 herniated discs & take a mild steroid daily . i take propecia & seem to notice more hair loss since taking the steroid (been about 2 months). should i stop the propecia or the steroid? (every time i stop the steroid my back seems to get worse, but i'm more concerned w\ my hair) thanks in advance

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  • Regular Member

i was wondering what the relationship of propecia & steroids are. i have 2 herniated discs & take a mild steroid daily . i take propecia & seem to notice more hair loss since taking the steroid (been about 2 months). should i stop the propecia or the steroid? (every time i stop the steroid my back seems to get worse, but i'm more concerned w\ my hair) thanks in advance

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  • Regular Member

as a top model, I have followed several roids cycles... what are u using now ?


AVOID DHT precursors as Winstrol, Primobolan and oximetosone based, such us D-bol and Andriol ( most of them are false, but the ruman D-bol ).


You can try using boldenone ( NEVER DECA at the same time as finasteride ) as anabolic and testex ( cypionate, prop, testoviron ).


I suggest u all cycles I followed with the magic roid: oxandrolone ( durg : ANAVAR ).


Take 20mg per day, piramidal and use SUSTANON 250 mg.


Protectors: cause anavar is oral, take legalon and policolinosil.

Anti-strogenical: try arimidex ! it's so magic...

nolvadex, tamoxifen may work too to avoid gineco.

HTH post: clomid


Cycle duration: 2 weeks.


Let at least 3 months before beginig another cycle.





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  • Regular Member

dianabol and any testosterone works fine with proscar, in spite of it's more difficult to retain ganances after the cycle.


Well, using dianabol you must increase your finasteride quantity per day.

Dianabol is really hard, easy to get weight ( most of it it's watter ) and not good for hair.


The Deca-durabolin is NOT COMPATIBLE with finasteride cause progesterone and bad aromatases reaction.


using armidex you will block all strogens increasing caused by testosterone increasing.





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  • Senior Member

Male Model NW2,


Do you use steroids to make up for a slight build, or were you diagnosed with an abnormaly low T-level ?? You sound young for a low t-level.


Every Dr I have heard speak of MPB has said steroids accelerate the MPB process ? #1 enemy.


Are you succefully able to take finastiride and steroids without hairloss ??


A guy on Spences website had the same question.


Thanks !


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well, steroids are enemy of baldness if they convert TESTOSTERONE to DHT ( DIHIDROTESTOSTERONE ).


Increasing your no-endogen testo levels, you will increase strogens too and this testo will be converted to DHT.


If your follicles are sensitive to DHT ( this is the difference between bald and hair men, follicles sensitivness to this androgen hormone ), you will lose hair.

So you can take even 5 or 10 mg. of finasteride ( 1 or 2 pills of Proscar ) every day.


Taking proscar you will increase more testo ( no DHT ) , cause there will be more testo no converted to DHT, so you will have many strogens.


Strogens are fine for hair but terrible for men: water retain, ginecomastia, ...


Most of pro body-builders have HT !! some of them even shave his heads.


There are powerfull stacks using dianabol, boldenone, trembolone... even pro ( and some amateurs ) use insuline 20 i.u. per day, growth hormone , and Insuline Growth Factor 1 ( IGF1 ).

Not to mention diuretics, rippers ( DNP, Efedrine+Cafeine+Aspirin, Clembuterol+Zasten ) and worse stuff.


If you want to keep your hair, forget steroids !

Try using GH ( it's really expansive ) or insuline ( not very good for hair and dangerous, most of pros are diabetics and destroyed his pancreas fuction ).


Anyway, amateurs can use less agressive roids:


my favourite: OXANDROLONE ( retain your gains after cycle, don't retain water, don't modify testo production and side effects are minor ).


Unfortunalley, oxandrolone ( ANAVAR ) is not high anabolic using it alone.

You should use testo ( SUSTANON ) in your stack, 250 mg to gain mass with oxandrolone.

But using testo you must use something to avoid strogens, like ARIMIDEX.

Cause ANAVAR is oral, you must use hepatic protectors, as oral POLICOLINOSIL or LEGALON.

( you can use SAMET too, it's the best ! )


According to your mass, goal and time, you can make a easy stack with all this products and it's likely you to get what you are looking for using roids.





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