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  • Senior Member

Pic, you mention your concerns about propecia, i will be as honest with you as i can about them. I have experienced sexual side effects, not a problem in getting erections, but to be blunt i feel less horny most of the time. Not significantly but enough to notice. also my sperm has become more clear and lifeless although i am told this would not have any negative effects if you are to father a child as it were. However do not be too alarmed, these effects are not permanent, i have tested this. once you stop taking it things should be back to normal relatively soon. Also you may be anong the majority and experience no real side effects.Thus i would suggesst that you do start taking propecia and see how you go, at the minute it seems to be one of the best preventative measures. Minoxidil is not that effective, it doesnt remove DHT from the scalp but does encourage SOME regrowth which is usually verly light hardly noticeable hair, IMO. Good luck whatever you do.

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  • Senior Member

Pic, you mention your concerns about propecia, i will be as honest with you as i can about them. I have experienced sexual side effects, not a problem in getting erections, but to be blunt i feel less horny most of the time. Not significantly but enough to notice. also my sperm has become more clear and lifeless although i am told this would not have any negative effects if you are to father a child as it were. However do not be too alarmed, these effects are not permanent, i have tested this. once you stop taking it things should be back to normal relatively soon. Also you may be anong the majority and experience no real side effects.Thus i would suggesst that you do start taking propecia and see how you go, at the minute it seems to be one of the best preventative measures. Minoxidil is not that effective, it doesnt remove DHT from the scalp but does encourage SOME regrowth which is usually verly light hardly noticeable hair, IMO. Good luck whatever you do.

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I have nothing but the highest respect for you, Homer, for posting what you have posted here. Very brave.


And very helpful, indeed. I know I sound rather paranoid about the whole possibility of sexual side effects and Procepia, but I'd honestly rather lose my mop than my mojo icon_biggrin.gif!


If anyone else has had experiences similar to Homer's -- or different, but has had some sort of side effect(s) from being on Propecia, Proscar and/or the rest of them, please post your stories here. This seems to have been something of a "taboo" subject -- potentially very embarassing, of course.


But we're here to help one another and, personally, I think it's very important to get the word out on these hair-loss-prevention drugs, whether that word is good, bad, or indifferent.


Homer, thanks again.


Cheers everyone icon_cool.gif

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  • Regular Member

I intitially had the sexual side effects, loss of libido and so forth. However in my case they went away pretty quickly, id say after about a month everything was back to normal. I still have days where I have no sex drive, and some days I am as horny as a goat...I guess thats normal though. I wouldnt let the fear of side effect stop you from taking propecia. It works very well for some people, even though I seem to be the oddball that has developed a tolerance to it in less than a year...just my luck.

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