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Hi folks,


I'm new to the forum and I must say I'm impressed at the informative and unbiased opinions on here.


At the moment I have pretty moderate hair loss at the front of the hairline, and decided to 'stop the rot' and go for a consultation with DHI, who are advertising heavily in Ireland at the moment. I had been thinking about it for the last couple of years and had done plenty of research, and decided their DHI technique seemed the most advanced.


I hadn't read about any negative experiences at all in my research, but I hadn't come across an independent forum like this one before either. I've booked in for a 1000 hair procedure with DHI in a few weeks time, but after seeing the bad rap they've got on here now I'm starting to have my doubts. Although one poster I've seen did seem to have a reasonably good experience with them.


Has anyone else out there got good things to say about DHI (anyone connected with the company need not reply!)?


Also, can somebody actually look worse after a procedure gone wrong? Since I'm having a small procedure, I'm thinking the worst that can happen is that the hairs won't 'take' and I'll be left looking more or less the same as before.


I'm also taking a few weeks off work afterwards in anticipation of bald patches in the donor area, initial hair loss etc.


I'm also self conscious about having the procedure and have told very few people about it, and I'm hoping nobody will notice, other than I 'look different'. Has anyone ever had somebody come up to them and say 'Oh my God, you've had a hair transplant'? I would say cosmetic surgery for men is still frowned upon in Ireland.


Thanks in advance for the advice!

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Hi folks,


I'm new to the forum and I must say I'm impressed at the informative and unbiased opinions on here.


At the moment I have pretty moderate hair loss at the front of the hairline, and decided to 'stop the rot' and go for a consultation with DHI, who are advertising heavily in Ireland at the moment. I had been thinking about it for the last couple of years and had done plenty of research, and decided their DHI technique seemed the most advanced.


I hadn't read about any negative experiences at all in my research, but I hadn't come across an independent forum like this one before either. I've booked in for a 1000 hair procedure with DHI in a few weeks time, but after seeing the bad rap they've got on here now I'm starting to have my doubts. Although one poster I've seen did seem to have a reasonably good experience with them.


Has anyone else out there got good things to say about DHI (anyone connected with the company need not reply!)?


Also, can somebody actually look worse after a procedure gone wrong? Since I'm having a small procedure, I'm thinking the worst that can happen is that the hairs won't 'take' and I'll be left looking more or less the same as before.


I'm also taking a few weeks off work afterwards in anticipation of bald patches in the donor area, initial hair loss etc.


I'm also self conscious about having the procedure and have told very few people about it, and I'm hoping nobody will notice, other than I 'look different'. Has anyone ever had somebody come up to them and say 'Oh my God, you've had a hair transplant'? I would say cosmetic surgery for men is still frowned upon in Ireland.


Thanks in advance for the advice!

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  • Senior Member
Also, can somebody actually look worse after a procedure gone wrong? Since I'm having a small procedure, I'm thinking the worst that can happen is that the hairs won't 'take' and I'll be left looking more or less the same as before.

Actually yes you can look worse. You are not only just getting 1000 grafts, but tge trauma it brings can cause your existing hair to fall out,"shockloss" and in the hands of the wrong surgeon the shockloss could be permanent. Also you now have a scar on the back of your head that could be noticable if the strip isnt taken out or sewn back up properly no matter how much hair you have "similar to hat head with long hair" and lastly it's alot of money to throw out on THE CHANCE you would take w/ DHI. Consider yourself lucky you found this forum before it was to late. I wasnt so lucky

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  • 1 month later...

Hi there,


as it happens, DHI rang me a week before the procedure to say that the surgery had been cancelled because the surgeon wasn't available on the day I'd booked. They offered me a rescheduled date but I opted to cancel it completely and get a refund of my deposit instead. So now I'm going to use Regaine instead and see what effect that has before I'd consider surgery again. Although I have to say with all of my dealings with DHI they have been polite and professional.

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This is a repeat of my other post in reply to a question about DHI:

I did some research on DHI a few months ago, I was focusing on their Athens office where some of the founders still operate I believe. My overall impression is that this is a Hair mill in all it's splendor, the guarantees are shady and meaningless, the patient reports are even more scary than those from Bosley.

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guys you have nothing to worry about if you take your time and pick out a great surgeon. places that advertise like bosley, DHI, MHR, or whatever all SUCK!!! A good practice doesn't need to advertise, they let their patient results do the talking. If you made your deposit already try and get it back and schedule a consultation with any doctor recommended on this website. It's the best decision you can make. If you were having heart surgery you would want to make sure you have a great surgeon, hair restoration is no different. Keep in mind, most coalition doctors, will reimburse you for any out of state/country travel expenses. That being the case, you would be stupid not to.

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