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Just a few more days to the cutting and harvesting!


I havent seen this topic really covered, so hope yall can help out.


I am a VERY light sleeper, AND a tosser & turner. This combination i would think does not bode well for me for my 1st nite after the HT surgery and subsequent nites.

My question is- what can i expect pain/discomfort wise the first few days after the HT? HOW do i sleep on a donor scarred head?


Oddly enough, this has been my biggest concern about the procedure!

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They give you meds, you will be fine



1417 FUT - Dr. True

1476 FUT - Dr. True

2124 FUT - Dr. True

604 FUE - Dr. True








My views are based on my personal experiences, research and objective observations. I am not a doctor.


Total - 5621 FU's uncut!

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You should sleep with a few pillows stacked so that your head is somewhat elevated. This can reduce swelling and leave you in a position in which it is less likely for you to roll over onto the grafts.


What I want to know is how people sleep after receiving FUE into their previous donor scars. In these cases, the recipient area would come into direct contact with your pillow, unless you sleep on your face. icon_confused.gif



All opinions are my own and my advice should not constitute as medical advice.


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Lucky Locs,


This is hard to say. Everyone has a different pain tolerance and even I have felt varying degrees of pain between my 3 surgeries. Taking the pain and sleep-aid medication the night of hair transplantation will certainly help you get a good night's rest. I did personally find that it was hard to get comfortable the first several nights up to a week or so but still didn't have trouble sleeping through the night. The hardest night to fall asleep honestly was the night BEFORE hair transplant surgery because I was anxious and excited to get started and get it over with.


I have written a hair loss blog on the amount of pain experience. See How much pain will I experience during hair transplant surgery.


Best wishes,



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I am 2 weeks post op... heres a few tips:


First, GET pain meds and GET sleep aids. Get enough pain meds to last you... I had to get a refill on mine. With pain meds its a breeze, without them its torture what with the itching and throbbing.


Get topical benadryl and use it when you need to.


DON'T use Mederma for a long time. It dries on the little hair you do have around the donor site and itches like CRAZY. Trust me on this one, you'll drive yourself nuts.


Ice is your friend. Ration your pain meds for nighttime if you have to and ice your head (donor and forehead, not recipient) religiously.


Understand that the best pain treatment is preventative. Once you start feelin it, its too late.


Sleep on the back of your head if you can. I am a tosser/tuner and sleep on my side, and I am a little worried that I am seeing some stretching on the parietal area because of it. =/


Hope these help! Good luck.



I don't work for a doctor.

Got 2700 fu from Ron Shapiro, 11-30-7

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Emu hit it head on and covers it all, the only other thing I can suggest is get one of those sleep pillows (the ones that are in the shape of a "U" and they fit just around your neck). I see those pillows used a lot on airplane trips. Just make sure to space out your pain meds out...

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