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Would any HT surgeon using Fue go for...

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Alright, I'm 24 and already thinning at the scalp. I really dislike walking around with a thinning scalp, and the whole point of HT is to not look like you're going bald. I realize my hair loss will get a lot worse, but it's kind of pointless for me to wait around for 6 or 7 years, when at this age I want to feel and look young with a thick full head of hair. Regardless, hair loss is not my only problem, I also have excessive body hair growing. I've never had a HT, but I hear using FUE you can transplant hair from any region of the body onto the scalp. Would it be possible to have crown work using only my chest hair? My chest hair is thicker than the hair on my scalp, and grows 1-3 inches just on my chest.

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Alright, I'm 24 and already thinning at the scalp. I really dislike walking around with a thinning scalp, and the whole point of HT is to not look like you're going bald. I realize my hair loss will get a lot worse, but it's kind of pointless for me to wait around for 6 or 7 years, when at this age I want to feel and look young with a thick full head of hair. Regardless, hair loss is not my only problem, I also have excessive body hair growing. I've never had a HT, but I hear using FUE you can transplant hair from any region of the body onto the scalp. Would it be possible to have crown work using only my chest hair? My chest hair is thicker than the hair on my scalp, and grows 1-3 inches just on my chest.

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Chest hair is not be implanted in the head area. the reason is it will not look natrual and has a totally different appearance. Not an acceptable idea.


At 24 you should go on Proscar NOW. It will stabalize your hairloss. In a year, see your results. I would caution you on HT at this time,as there is no way to understand your hairloss.


lots of chest hair tells you there is a high DHT level. Talk to your doctor NOW about Proscar. The longer you wait for treatment with Proscar the more hair that will be damaged. I would recommend Proscar and see what results you get. Understand there is side effects with the drug. however it is VERY low. Only 2% of men do have issues. It is also one of the safest drugs on the market. It is an excellent DHT inhibitor.


Also you must wait at least a full year to see results. Don't think in a month time you will have hair everywere. It takes months to see any results.


My results:



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  • Senior Member

So where are docs that remove chest hair putting them ?? Most FUE docs are doing chest transplants from what I hear and see. However it is also unclear to me what they use it for. Maybe they only use it sparsly to increase density as to try and avoid an area where you only have chest hairs.

Docs, your imput would be very welcome on this one !

Consultant-co owner Prohairclinic (FUE only) in Belgium, Dr. De Reys.


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hey matthew, thanks for the reply. the thing is, i've been using minox/proscar/nizoral for the past 7 months with no results on my crown. if anything, there's less hair on my crown now than when i first began. i'm going to continue until it's a year, but i've pretty much given up hope for great or any real results.

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  • Senior Member

I am sorry here, but realistically relying on chest hair for your head is a very desperate measure ??


I dont mean this personally to anyone, especially if it is the "only" way to "correct" poor work....But I could never justify such an extreme plan for anyones head.


just 2 cents


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I found this on another forum.




Many people seem to believe that Hair Multiplication (Cloning) be a cure for baldness.

Cloning would offer an endless supply of donor hair. Allowing that a patients hairline is limited only by his desire or budget.


Aside from the fact that it could be years away, we do not know how safe it will be.

Also, you would still need these hairs implanted via surgery, leaving the success of your hair-cloning experience dependent on the skills of the surgeon who implants these newly cloned hairs.


Why FUE yield is comparable to HM / Cloning


The proposal to implant only folicular units published by Bernstein and Rassman changed the industry, resulting in transplants that finally looked natural. Aside from scarring the main limitation left to deal with was the limited supply of available donor hair.


A forum member JRF posted a recent study published in the journal

Dermatol Surg 2001 Sep, 28(9):795.9

by Hwang S, et al. which finds that hair tranplanted to a recipient site, will take on some

of the characteristics (most importantly, length and growth rate) as the hair native to the recipient site(i.e. Leg hair transplanted to the head will grow faster and longer than it did while on the leg and vice versa).


There may still be some debate as to the best method to extract donor hair from the back of the head, that is not the point. The point is that the FUE process opens up the donor area to the chest, back, abdomin, legs, and arms.


If the findings of this study turn out to be true, then the implications are profound. Surgeons could use the seemingly endless supply of body/limb hair to add as much

density as the patient desires, or can afford.

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