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1 week postop update


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My goal was minimum shock. It's probably a bit early but seems like there is some. When I comb or just run my fingers through the hair they are coming off much easier (especially in transplanted area). I did a little test by brushing through with my hand and tilting my head over a white paper and I could easily knock off some 100 hair (yikes!, isn't that like $400!) Many of them were really thin, whispy hair which would have fallen anyway. I hope that stops in weeks to come. The problem is it's such a slow process, it's almost impossible to quantify it. Also it's probably not possible to know if the shocked hair grows back since by that time the transplanted hair will grow back too, so it's not something which one can really analyze, so I am going to stop worrying about it.


One question, how does one differentiate a scab coming off from graft? I have little redish/blackish pieces with tiny hair inside coming off. Could it be a graft?

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My goal was minimum shock. It's probably a bit early but seems like there is some. When I comb or just run my fingers through the hair they are coming off much easier (especially in transplanted area). I did a little test by brushing through with my hand and tilting my head over a white paper and I could easily knock off some 100 hair (yikes!, isn't that like $400!) Many of them were really thin, whispy hair which would have fallen anyway. I hope that stops in weeks to come. The problem is it's such a slow process, it's almost impossible to quantify it. Also it's probably not possible to know if the shocked hair grows back since by that time the transplanted hair will grow back too, so it's not something which one can really analyze, so I am going to stop worrying about it.


One question, how does one differentiate a scab coming off from graft? I have little redish/blackish pieces with tiny hair inside coming off. Could it be a graft?

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  • Senior Member

Don't worry about that - if it doesn't start flowing with blood, what your seeing's perfectly normal.


As far as shock loss is concerned, if you had hair transplanted into an area of existing hair you very likely will experience some loss from the shock of it.


It sucks.


It will continue to suck.


I'm 4 and a half months post op now, and I think it's finally starting to come back. I can differentiate this from my graft's growth by the fact that I had lost a little on the crown (which was not touched by the procedure - was perfectly fine in fact), and that bit is finally restoring it's thickness (which, btw, was saved by Propecia over 3 years ago and has remained full ever since).


Hang in there - my worst period of loss was from the 1 month mark (I thought I was gonna be lucky up 'til then) to about the 2 and a half month mark.


Oh, and those ingrowns are finally taking a hike as well! icon_smile.gif


[This message was edited by HarryLemon on March 22, 2003 at 09:46 AM.]

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