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shedding my ass.. FOR ANYONE WHO'S "SHEDDING"


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seriously, is this just a phase? I can't look in the mirror anymore, i'm 20 and i can see my hair DRASTICALLY falling out of my frontal hair line. I can see right through my scalp when light hits my head now.


I'm serious, i'm taking proscar and Minoxidil for about 3 weeks now, what the hell is going on? I thought proscar is supposed to stop hair loss. Why am i seeing MORE hair loss than i have BEFORE i even started using minoxidil or proscar? Please help me, what's causing me to shed like, i see an average of 30 hairs on my bed PER NIGHT now. what the hell.. and if its shedding.. why don't i see any sign of regrowth.. i would love to think its shedding but someone please just explain to me what's going on...

Regimen: 5% Minoxidil twice a day (morning and night) on front hairline, Proscar (broken into 5 pieces) one piece every night. MSM 1000 Mg, Zinc 30 Mg, Vitamin E, Multi-Vitamin.

Baby Shampoo for showering.

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  • Senior Member

seriously, is this just a phase? I can't look in the mirror anymore, i'm 20 and i can see my hair DRASTICALLY falling out of my frontal hair line. I can see right through my scalp when light hits my head now.


I'm serious, i'm taking proscar and Minoxidil for about 3 weeks now, what the hell is going on? I thought proscar is supposed to stop hair loss. Why am i seeing MORE hair loss than i have BEFORE i even started using minoxidil or proscar? Please help me, what's causing me to shed like, i see an average of 30 hairs on my bed PER NIGHT now. what the hell.. and if its shedding.. why don't i see any sign of regrowth.. i would love to think its shedding but someone please just explain to me what's going on...

Regimen: 5% Minoxidil twice a day (morning and night) on front hairline, Proscar (broken into 5 pieces) one piece every night. MSM 1000 Mg, Zinc 30 Mg, Vitamin E, Multi-Vitamin.

Baby Shampoo for showering.

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Hi, i know what you are talking about, i am 21 and a NW2 to a 3. First of all, dont panic, i know you will have serious doublts about the shedding but this is normal. It is actually a good sign, because it means the meds are working. The hairs that you shed were weak hairs and strong are going to come in their place.

You are using the meds 3 weeks now, hardly enough time before making a conclusion, if the meds dont work after a year, than you can make a judgement, but what i am reading now, i guess the meds will do good things for you.

In case of the 30 hairs on your pillow, that is nothing to worry about, we loose about 100 hairs a day, also guys with no hairloss.

Hairloss isnt how much you shed, but how much of the shedded hairs dont grow back, that is what baldness is all about IMO.

I really think the meds will do good things for you, please keep in mind that propecia and minox work the best in the crown and midcalp area, if you are very lucky, maybe in the front part. Also remember the meds are for keeping the hair you have, not regrowing hair, although you might experience regrowth in the crown-area, where it is most effective.

Good luck with the meds and try not to panic. ( And i know that is very difficult, but we have no other options at this time )



Pictures of my hairloss can be found here:



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thanks belgium dude but do you see why now i'm panicking? I've only been using minoxidil on my frontal hairline and i heard that there's a very low possibilty that i might see regrowth. So now, including the shedding, i might not even see ANY REGROWTH at my frontal hairline...

Regimen: 5% Minoxidil twice a day (morning and night) on front hairline, Proscar (broken into 5 pieces) one piece every night. MSM 1000 Mg, Zinc 30 Mg, Vitamin E, Multi-Vitamin.

Baby Shampoo for showering.

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Hi anonymous, i completely understand you, but if you might experience regrowth in you hairline, i dont think it will be after 3 weeks. I am on proscar for a month now and i actually dont see any change. Also no bad shedding so i dont know what to think. Good or bad, i dont know, but the shedding really is a good sign, i really understand this must be freaking you out, i would be posting the same if it happened to me. But stay on the meds, dont stop and give it at least a year. I think in a few weeks/months you might see some change. Hang in there.



Pictures of my hairloss can be found here:



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Belgiumdude is absolutely correct about the shedding thing. You're going to shed like a mother f***er after the 2-3 week period of initially starting the meds and then every month about that time there after, at least that's what happened to me. Whatever you do, don't quit the meds, this will in reality make the situation worse because most likely the hairs you lost during the shedding phase will probably not grow back. All hair naturally sheds at its own cycle. When you're on Proscar, it makes the hairs follow the same cycle, so it all falls out at the same time. That's really scary I know! I spoke to my doc about this and he told me that if you're shedding, it's a great sign that you're responding to the medication in a positive way. Stay on it, I repeat, stay on it. It will not get worse. When the shedding phase subsides, thicker hairs will eventually replace the smaller finer ones that you have lost from that follicle. I know you're freaking out, but the people that start using Proscar usually hit this shedding phase and then freak out and automatically think it's making their hair loss worse. They then stop the usage of the drug and say that it didn't work for them. Knowledge is the thing you must have to fight hair loss. You're on the right track, just understand that every hair you're shedding a new one will eventually replace it. Hang in there...

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I am 21 and I am a norwood 3. I have tried everything...rogine, avacor, and I am currently on propecia. Propecia by far has been the best for me. I have been on propecia for three months now and I have noticed moderate growth on the crown and very less hair fall out. However, none of these will actually grow back your frontal hairline completely. The best thing to do is get a HT and stay on propecia. I had a HT three months ago and I still waiting for the full result. I know how you feel. Losing hair that our age is sooo painful. I even thought about suicide...I mean, what are we going to do. How do you deal with it? Right now, I am just waiting to see the result, however, I dont know what I would do if the result is less than satisfactory.

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Hi man, im also 21 and a NW2 to 3. I have some questions for you:

- what is avacor?

- you say you are a NW3, how can you see regrowth in the crown if you still have your crown area with a NW3?

- Who was your doc and how many grafts did you get?




Pictures of my hairloss can be found here:



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I'm not sure if they sell Avacor in Europe, but don't waste your money if they do. It's a scam, and if you read any of its history it's actually kind of funny. They claim that it works on basically everybody, and they choose their words so carefully in touting their product that you really get a good laugh out of it. They had an investigative report on it (like 60 minutes type of show) and the people behind the product were so shady. As it turns out it has all different kinds of ingredients in it including minoxidil, and that's why it sort of works. If you get the chance to buy it walk the other way and just buy rogaine/minoxidil.


Good luck.



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thanks guys.. i guess i'll stick with the proscar and rogaine but i still can't get used to getting up in the morning and finding a pile load of hairs on my pillow..

Anyway.. the whole hairloss thing.. you know.. there was a time for all of us that we didn't even have to care about hairloss.. i felt bad for those that i saw that were thinning but now its happening to me.. and it has something to do about being a man..

i would love to let it go, say to myself, it happens to everyone, let it go, but it really does affect your self esteem, i feel less confident around others now that have a full head of hair, i'm constantly comparing my head of hair to others and i'm starting to wear caps more and more... but basically... yea.. my hair really does affect my personality, the way i think.. in more ways than i would like it too...

Regimen: 5% Minoxidil twice a day (morning and night) on front hairline, Proscar (broken into 5 pieces) one piece every night. MSM 1000 Mg, Zinc 30 Mg, Vitamin E, Multi-Vitamin.

Baby Shampoo for showering.

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You sound just like me. I am always comparing my hairline to all of my friends' and it really makes me depressed when they start poking fun at me about my hair loss. They don't do it to be malicous, they just do it because they think I'm laughing with them. I know nobody is really looking at us like we are, but man when you're insecure about something, it really bothers you. Some days I'm fine with my hair loss and then other days I don't even want to leave the house without a cap on. Hopefully they can find a solution soon. I just think that with all the other problems out there, baldness won't be one of the top things scientist are going to focus on, but I can understand that too. I guess what I'm trying to say is that there are many worse things that could happen to you or me, but hair loss is still a burdensome situation.

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Anoymous, I am now 34 and began to notice my hair thinning at 27. I was freaking out at 30 and cant imagine your experience. I looked for a lot of info and after reading/posting here for almost 2 years I feel better knowing what the options and possibilities are, as well as some of the pitfalls.


Knowledge is power, (to quote Vocor1)so keep reading and asking good questions.


I had the same issue with shedding when I started proscar almost a year ago. I also experienced shedding when I started using Hairmax laser comb 2 months ago.


I know I will lose all of my hair in some areas eventually, all I hope is the pattern of loss can be conducive to a HT, otherwise I am going for the buzz.

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Anonymous, You should be glad that you have found this site.I am sure that you will find that a hair transplant can be by far more devistating than loosing your hair. It can be by far the worst decision that one can make especially if you are worried about it and wind up in the hands of someone who takes advantage of your worries.Be glad that you have options because after a hairtransplant you will have none.

"The first cut is the deepest." Cat Stevens

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we are in the same situation, letting it go, yeah right. I even avoid mirrors which close to a window because the lighting isnt good, can you believe that. And for the self-confidence, even worse, i always use to have fun like hell, always laughing and now, i even have trouble looking someone in the eyes too long, this is by far the worst thing that has happened in my life, i always took pride in my appearance but now ... i now spend more time on this website than i do outside outside the privacy of my home, life is a bitch when you're balding. And then i am in a stage of little hairloss. When my hairloss comes to a point when they are making jokes of it, oh my, i really dont know what i might do to that joker.



Pictures of my hairloss can be found here:



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i am having a HT within the next 2 years, i really cant live like i want to when i am not happy with myself. I am now on proscar for over a month now and i hope it halts my hairloss, this means less follow-up work, if it doesnt, no problem, that means more follow-up work. I will have to work my ass off for the $$$ for the transplants but i decided i can not care about it. I am also putting my hope on cloning when i might run out of donor. I know it isnt a smart thing to do to hope on things that arent here yet but i live today, not tomorrow. Now im off to the gym, mirrors all over the place but i didnt have the guts to look into them the last year, and i hate it!!!



Pictures of my hairloss can be found here:



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While you still have time to evaluate your decision you could find out what is making you feel like you are not happy with yourself. We all try to strive for perfection but hairtransplants will noy do it for you in fact it might devistate you as they are far from perfect and have very limited ability and will never give you the effect that you desire unless you are nearly bald and don't expect to get full hair.

"The first cut is the deepest." Cat Stevens

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