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About two months ago I went to Advanced Hair Studio in Sydney, Advanced Hair is a Melborne based company with national and international studios, The Australian Institute of Hair Replacement is basically Advanced Hair, they have their own law firm in Meblorne. They have a hair replacement and a lazer therapy program which incorperates Seranoa produts, thickener, tablets and shampoo as well as Minoxidil 5% in with their six month hair fitness program. I went to them with very little knowledge of hair loss thinking that I could prevent anything from happening in the future and if it did'nt work at least I tried, I figured that I couldn't get any worse than what I have now. I was wrong...


When I first started there the consultant asked me if I was on any steroids, which I was'nt but I asked him that if once I start the program if it was safe to take Prostanol which is not a steroid but it's like a human type steroid. Prostanol is extract from the fenugreek plant, a herbal drug which really does increase your testosterone. Anyway the consultant said I could and it wouldn't be a problem, well I started to take the prostanol after about my fourth lazer session. Before I went to Advanced Hair I was'nt even losing one hair, let alone the 150 were suppose to lose. The day after my next lazer session, after taking about four days worth of Prostanol, all my hair just started comming out and I'm not talking about a little, it's been a month since that day and I have lost half my hair! I kept it incase I go to court but there is more hair in that collection than there is on my head!


I had blood tests done and normal testosterone ranges form about 8 to 27 I think but mine was like 31.7, my cortizol levels were normal and no anti nuclear anti bodies were detected which gave my doctor no reason to be concerned that any of that was causing my hair loss. My theary is that the increased blood flow to the scalp form the lazer brought with it all the extra testosterone and not enough DHT inhibitor was used to prevent the testosterone form getting into the subacacious glands. Well thats what I think it is, I dont know if thats right thats why I'm asking for help?


I spent $3,800.00 to loose my hair? I really dont understand and when I told them what had happened they said stop using everything and when it stops falling out then start with using one product at a time and we'll figure it out form there. I asked them, what if it doesn't stop falling out? They repied that if thats the case then your just a freak of nature. How comforting and professional of them...


I started using the minoxidil and a the seranoa products from them once again and have been for a little while now but it's made no differance. I went back again to Advanced and they said that it was a good thing I was loosing my hair, all the bad hair falls out so the good hair can grow through, how smart of them. I think that they are negligent and that they are liable for what they have done to me. I'll be seeing a hair surgon on Wensday next week and I hope he can enlighten me.


If anyone knows anything about any simmilar cases and there outcomes or has a solution for me please help me.kezicsydney@yahoo.com

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  • Regular Member

About two months ago I went to Advanced Hair Studio in Sydney, Advanced Hair is a Melborne based company with national and international studios, The Australian Institute of Hair Replacement is basically Advanced Hair, they have their own law firm in Meblorne. They have a hair replacement and a lazer therapy program which incorperates Seranoa produts, thickener, tablets and shampoo as well as Minoxidil 5% in with their six month hair fitness program. I went to them with very little knowledge of hair loss thinking that I could prevent anything from happening in the future and if it did'nt work at least I tried, I figured that I couldn't get any worse than what I have now. I was wrong...


When I first started there the consultant asked me if I was on any steroids, which I was'nt but I asked him that if once I start the program if it was safe to take Prostanol which is not a steroid but it's like a human type steroid. Prostanol is extract from the fenugreek plant, a herbal drug which really does increase your testosterone. Anyway the consultant said I could and it wouldn't be a problem, well I started to take the prostanol after about my fourth lazer session. Before I went to Advanced Hair I was'nt even losing one hair, let alone the 150 were suppose to lose. The day after my next lazer session, after taking about four days worth of Prostanol, all my hair just started comming out and I'm not talking about a little, it's been a month since that day and I have lost half my hair! I kept it incase I go to court but there is more hair in that collection than there is on my head!


I had blood tests done and normal testosterone ranges form about 8 to 27 I think but mine was like 31.7, my cortizol levels were normal and no anti nuclear anti bodies were detected which gave my doctor no reason to be concerned that any of that was causing my hair loss. My theary is that the increased blood flow to the scalp form the lazer brought with it all the extra testosterone and not enough DHT inhibitor was used to prevent the testosterone form getting into the subacacious glands. Well thats what I think it is, I dont know if thats right thats why I'm asking for help?


I spent $3,800.00 to loose my hair? I really dont understand and when I told them what had happened they said stop using everything and when it stops falling out then start with using one product at a time and we'll figure it out form there. I asked them, what if it doesn't stop falling out? They repied that if thats the case then your just a freak of nature. How comforting and professional of them...


I started using the minoxidil and a the seranoa products from them once again and have been for a little while now but it's made no differance. I went back again to Advanced and they said that it was a good thing I was loosing my hair, all the bad hair falls out so the good hair can grow through, how smart of them. I think that they are negligent and that they are liable for what they have done to me. I'll be seeing a hair surgon on Wensday next week and I hope he can enlighten me.


If anyone knows anything about any simmilar cases and there outcomes or has a solution for me please help me.kezicsydney@yahoo.com

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I dont know if medical ranges are different in Sydney, but a male's testosterone levels should be much, much, much higher than 8-27. In the US, it is anywhere in between the 300-700 ranges.


As for your hair loss, it may be contributed to your hormones if your levels are really that low!!! Actually, I guess the medical range measurements are different in Sydney because 8-27 is far below a woman's range.


It may also be the medication you are on, or that steroid product you mentioned. Steroids, and steroid derivatives definately cause hair loss. That is a fact. It may also be possible that you have gotten a bad hair transplant. This is not uncommon. Many people on this forum, including myself have gone to the wrong doctors. It is good to know that as a man, you can probably have excellent repair work if needed. Try to ask more questions about your situation. Most of the guys on this board are helpful.


Try to keep your chin up...this is difficult for everyone.



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Thanks for the feedback, any is appreciated. Regarding the testosterone level measurements, I'd say it would be like comparing miles to kilometers. They were definatly not made up, the range is actually (8.4 - 28.7) and mine was 31.0 (nmol/l) which I think is the measurement they've used. The tests were conducted by;


The Pathology Co Pty Ltd A.P.A.

NATA/RCPA Registered Laboratory Catorgry GX


PH +61 2 9757 4663 FAX +61 2 9809 2741


Also I dont know if I came accross the wrong way or not but no I haven't had any hair replacement or surgery. I'm just really confused, I went to a naturopath/homeopath to see if that can be of any help to me, as well as using a form of accupuncture that that uses magnetic feilds. Neither of these forms of medication are proven but nor are they ruled out either, they just like baldness have not not been completly understood yet. So as long as they have no direct effect in they way I lost my hair from Advanced, then I'm willing to try it. Not beeing mistaken for getting sucked into scams, like gone today hair tommorow rubbish.


Anyhow if anyone has any more insight or information on this please forward it on


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  • 4 weeks later...
  • Senior Member

fabio i dont really understand why you went to the advanced hair studio if you were losing one hair a day. Also why were you taking these steroid pills? It could be that advanced hair studio is less to blame as increasing testosterone levels by taking steroids is proven to increase or start hairloss. Unless taking these pills is essential, ie the doctor has told you to take them for a medical condition, i suggesst you stop. Also advanced hair studio has very few qualified doctors as they dont really operate on people, so seek real advice from a qualified doc.

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Thanks for the feed back homer. this is Just to enlighten you a little more on what actually happened with me.


I actually had no knowledge what so ever on hair loss and the effects of increased testosterone on hair loss. I was sucked in to Advanced with their uncomprehensive commercials, yes stupid I know and vey unlike me but they preyed on me the innocent young victim.


I was asked if if was on steroids when I went to advanced, which I wasn't how ever I asked them if I would be able to take prostanol (not a steroid) but increases testosterone. They said that it would be fine, I had not of even purchased this stuff untill I asked them cause if they said that I couldn't take it, then I wouldn't have brought it.


I had taken this stuff before but experienced not hair loss other than normal, before I said I wasn't even loosing one hair, yes that may be what you call slight exagguration but what I mean by that was if I was loosing the normal amount I wouldn't even know it.


After being told that I could take it and it wouldn't effect anything then I purchased it. I started taking it after a few lazer sessions and for about only 4 to 5 days went in for another lazer and the next morning it was the beggining of the end for my hair. Clumps and clumps of it form the top, back and sides unlike alopcia it came out evenly all over.


Their negligence caused me to be in this situation now and I will be taking action against them. I stopped everything after that including the lazer, after that I read up as much as possible on the subject and came to the coclusion that, with the increased testosterone being drwan to the scalp by the lazer caused the excessive amount of dht to be presant and make my hair fall out in such way.


I have since been to see a great specialist Dr. Richard Shiell, who after examining me agreed that this is what was the cause of my immediate loss and also has no reason to belive that I should have male pattern baldness, I was also given a script for proscar one quater tab.


Well thanks to Advanced hair for F##King up my hair and my life things have not been easy for me and I only pray that my hair is going to grow again, the hair has definatly slowed down but it is still faliing out at a much greater rate than ever before. I have only been on the proscar for about three weeks now so hopefully it will get better, I'm also taking a liqud form of silica to help my hair.


I hope that this has cleared things up a little more if not then just let me know what your unsure of and I'll gladlly explain, Thanks again...

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you havent really answered my question- why were you taking this testosterone increasing drug? I dont need to know a medical condition which may be embarrasing to you but would simply like to know whether your doctor told you to take it. I have researched advanced hair studio as i did at one point have an apointment booked with them. I have found that they only really use some sort of glue to attatch similar hair onto the scalp; which you have to return to them once a month so that they can shampoo it, more cost. Anyway as for this laser increasing dht to your scalp; I am unsure if this would be the case, i have never heard this before. Why dont you try and e mail one of the reccommended Hair transplant docs on this forum with this laser question, i would be interested to hear what they say. Have you tried taking propecia or minoxidil? This may slow down your hairloss. Also my other question- why did you go to advanced studio if you were not losing hair???

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Homer I dont mean to sound rude but did you really read the last reply? I did mention that I went to a hair specialist (Hair transplant specialist) and he also gave me proscar which I'am and have been taking. I dont think I mentioned that I'm on monoxidil, how ever I'am.


As for the lazer causing the dht increase, well what do you think the lazer does? it increases blood flow to the scalp, bringing with it the high content of testosterone presant in my blood, then getting into the subacatious gland and producing dht. Idealy had I of not been on the testosterone or if I had some knid of dht inhbitor, the lazer may have been of benifit, by increasing the amount of hair building material oxygen etc that the hair needs hair needs to grow.


I was taking the testosterone booster cause I'm a bit of a gym junkie and I want to put on more mass. As I said before I would never have taken it if they said that it would not be suitable.


I did speak to my doctor about it and even though my results were higher, as in my previous post, the doctor was not concerned that, that was any reason to be causing my hair loss.


As for the advanced hair web site, I'm not to certian about the web site for Scotland but the Australian one is just full of pretty pictures and no real information about anything. If any thing now I'm more disgusted in myself for beeing sucked into it.


In answer to your other question, they advertise that prevention is the best method to prevent you from future loss and in most cases all though life prevention is the best solution, which is why I went there. They said that I had male pattern baldness and later as previously mentioned I went to a hair transplant doctor who said that I didn't... Money, money, money.


I probably should e-mail one of the doctors on the site as that's a pretty good idea. I was hoping that they may want to contact me after reading the post? Anyway.


My advice for you and anybody else is to stay away from advanced hair, as it's one of the biggest money making schems on the planet. Putting cow dung on your head would give you a better remady rather than going to them. As since I have not heard from them form the last time I was there, cause as long as they have your money they dont care what happens. Thats the reason they make you pay up front, so once you realsie your in a booby trap it's too late.


Thanks homer hope that fixes things up for you, not for me though.

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Fabio, there is a man in a similar situation to you in that he took steroids, diff from yours somewhat, that started his hairloss. He has a twin who didnt take steroids and who kept his hair. He has posted in the new topics section, you should e mail him or direct a post at him in that section as he may be able to help.





As for the laser thing; incresed/decreased blood flow to the scalp has little to do with baldness I have been told, although you seem to know more about this than i do.There is a doctor who deals with the medicinal side of hairloss called Dr Lee, I have asked many questions over the years and he has always been helpful. He can be found at www.minoxidil.com

I wish you all the best my friend.

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Thanks for the help homer, I'll be checking out the post you told me about with the steriods thing and I'll also be looking at the doctor thing you metioned...


I'll keep you posted with the progress and any new information that I can gather, hope that I may have been of help for you on this matter.


All the best for you too homer, I hope everything works out for you, I'll still say though be carefull of advanced what ever you do. Personally I'd stay away from them.



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