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Propecia, Follicular Unit Transplants, Shaving


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Hello Everyone:


I am new to this forum and like everyone else, trying to deal with hair loss. My dad and males on his side have similar hair loss patterns so I assume that's where I'm headed. I'm 27 and started losing my hair at around 20. I tried Rogaine for awhile and stopped.


I am contemplating what to do.

1. Do nothing and see how it goes in the next few years.

2. Shave my head or trim it really short.

3. Hair transplant but not if I have to end up with the ear to ear to scar leaving me without the option of shaving my head in the future. As to a HT, I haven't really read much on this forum about the alternate type of HT called something like Follicular Unit Transplant where they apparantely transplant follicular units one by one instead of the big scar type of HT. Has anyone had this type of HT or have any useful info about it?

4. Start using Propecia eventhough I'm worried about the potential sexual side effects. To be honest I would rather keep performing with the girls and deal with hair loss instead of getting hair back and having the side effects. If anyone has taken Propecia and can provide their opinion and experience I'd really appreciate it.


Anyway, I'm glad to find this place where we can try and help each other out. Any info would be greatly appreciated.

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Hello Everyone:


I am new to this forum and like everyone else, trying to deal with hair loss. My dad and males on his side have similar hair loss patterns so I assume that's where I'm headed. I'm 27 and started losing my hair at around 20. I tried Rogaine for awhile and stopped.


I am contemplating what to do.

1. Do nothing and see how it goes in the next few years.

2. Shave my head or trim it really short.

3. Hair transplant but not if I have to end up with the ear to ear to scar leaving me without the option of shaving my head in the future. As to a HT, I haven't really read much on this forum about the alternate type of HT called something like Follicular Unit Transplant where they apparantely transplant follicular units one by one instead of the big scar type of HT. Has anyone had this type of HT or have any useful info about it?

4. Start using Propecia eventhough I'm worried about the potential sexual side effects. To be honest I would rather keep performing with the girls and deal with hair loss instead of getting hair back and having the side effects. If anyone has taken Propecia and can provide their opinion and experience I'd really appreciate it.


Anyway, I'm glad to find this place where we can try and help each other out. Any info would be greatly appreciated.

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  • Regular Member

Given your age I would recommend trying Propecia first. It actually gives you a 10-15% increase in your testosterone levels. I have really never had any patients in their 20's complain of any side effects, and even if you happen to experience any negative side effects, the half life of Propecia is 6 hours, and so any side effect is completely gone within a day.


I think it is best for a person in their twenties to at least try Propecia before moving forward with surgery. With that said, where is your loss, if it is in the crown definitely try Propecia for at least one year, and if it is in the front that is a different story. What it will do for your frontal loss is reverse miniaturization and stabilize the loss. Either way I would at least give it a shot.

I am the patient coordinator for Dr. Scott Alexander in Phoenix, Arizona. Dr. Alexander's Coalition Membership Profile

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Thanks NikkiJ.


My hair loss has been generally on the top of the head including the crown and the front. I recall having dramatic hair loss early on 20-23 and it has slowed down the last couple years but the damage has been done and I still lose hair but less.

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My progression of loss sounds very similar to yours, started at about 20 at a very fast rate, but noticed that it stopped or slowed down the last couple of years (i'm going to be 27 in 2 months) I have been on propecia for about 2 months now, but only taking 1/4 of a pill every other day. I did keep my head shaved for about a year straight, although I do get compliments occasionally from people saying that I don't look bad shaved, and that my head shape looks good being exposed, I do get lazy shaving it all the time. For advice, if you do want to shave, use an electric clipper to buzz it close to skin, but don't shave it skin bald with a razor, I find the close shave not helpful to our fragile scalp. Lately, I have been letting it grow it bit more, and only buzz it once a month.


I have been thinking about going on the Rogaine regiment as well, but still contemplating because I'd have to use it twice a day everyday.


Nikki: Is taking 1/4 propecia every other day enough? If I do go on Rogaine, I've heard the suggestion of using it twice a day for about the first 2-3 years, and eventually drop it down to once a day for the remainder of time. What's your suggestions?


BTW Pete27: I do not notice any negative sexual side effects w/ propecia, and I honestly doubt that anyone our age should have decrease in sex drive with Propecia...

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I started taking Propecia back in 1998 when I was 28 years old. I have been taking it now ever since and I've NEVER had any sexual side effects. I still continue to have a very healthy head of hair in my crown area.

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Welcome to the forums. I'm sure you'll find a lot of good information here that can help you. If I were you I'd get on Propecia now to see if that does anything for you. In regards to side effects, if you start experiencing them, simply stop the medication and the side effects will also go away. Check with your doctor for further verification on that...but that's what I've read. I am on Propecia and have been on it since I was 27. I'm now 29. At the very least, it has stabilized my hairloss, but I have seen no regrowth from that.


Also, if you are concerned about a scar ear to ear, do NOT get a hair tranplant. The type of hair transplant you are referring to as an alternative is called FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction). Research that thoroughly too, because regardless of the hype, you will still end up with scarring...it just won't be a linear scar. Technology has come a long way and the use of the new Tricho technique has reduced the appearance of the scar even when shaving the hair really short on the sides...however, most likely, it will still at the least be a little visible. So my honest opinion is...if you are concerned about scarring at all, do NOT get an HT...period.


There is a part of me that wishes that I looked good with a completely shaved head like a couple guys I know...then I would have just gone with that look instead of getting HTs. Lord knows...i'ts a heck of a lot cheaper to do that. But, considering I look really terrible with a bald head, I opted the HT route and have had good success so far. One more surgery to go...you can see my first two surgeries below, the link to the third surgery will be updated soon, but the third surgery hasn't happened yet.


Good luck.



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  • Regular Member

In response to your question about taking ?? tab daily of Propecia, the studies that were done included doses ranging from .2mg, .25mg, 1.0mg and 5.0 mg, and they concluded that the optimal efficacy and safety are with the 1mg tablet taken daily.


Remember that the most expensive drug you will ever take is the drug not taken properly.

I am the patient coordinator for Dr. Scott Alexander in Phoenix, Arizona. Dr. Alexander's Coalition Membership Profile

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