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How low is the average hairline placed?

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I have a pluggy hairline that was done by HRG in Virginia. The hairline is rough and straight and seems to be lower then some hairlines I have seen. There are about 300 mini's with 3-4 hairs in the front and I am a class 3 on the hair scale. Can a low hairline be corrected by softening it using the punch method and FU.


What options can some one with a lower hairline have without having to raise the hairline?


Please advise.

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  • Regular Member

I have a pluggy hairline that was done by HRG in Virginia. The hairline is rough and straight and seems to be lower then some hairlines I have seen. There are about 300 mini's with 3-4 hairs in the front and I am a class 3 on the hair scale. Can a low hairline be corrected by softening it using the punch method and FU.


What options can some one with a lower hairline have without having to raise the hairline?


Please advise.

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Jotronic thanks for the info. Your hairline was high enough to have work done in front. The plugs on my hair line were placed about 4 years ago and it is where I had it when I was 18-19 and now I am 28. I don't think putting more FU in front is the solution because it would bring it furture down. So I am trying to figure out if there is a way to resolve my pluggy, straight unatural hairline without having to raise my hairline using surgery. So I just want to see what my options are here. The hair is low but I don't think it's that bad, but I just want a softer, natural look.


Please advice.


[This message was edited by Shearak on July 19, 2002 at 03:42 PM.]

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I just had a consultation with Dr.Vogel yesterday and he sugguested to raise the anterior hairline, temporal recessions and soften the pluggy appearance. The excised strips of plugs would be recycled during the same procedure and transplanted acutely to create a new anterior hairline.


I also had a consultation with Dr.Cole about a month ago who sugguested removing some of the plugs recycle them back to the hair line as FU. He said this would make the hair line softer and more natural in appeareance.


I really don't know where to go with this. I would perfer Dr.Coles approach. Can anyone offer any other options and also sugguest any other doctors who have done corrective surgury such as in my case.


Thanks again

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I also had this dilemma before proceeding with my last transplant in April...you've consulted with two top surgeons, but, you might want to seek the advice of Dr. Bernstein in NY/NJ & Dr. Beehner in NY...they are both very experienced in doing hairline repair involving older plugs...in my case, I resisted having all of my plugs removed...my doctor's suggestion was to sketch a hairline as if I didn't have any prior work performed & see how the old plugs fit--any plugs interferring with the new hairline would be removed...that seemed to make the most sense to me & I'm pleased that I made that decision...I'm still in the waiting/growing stage so it's difficult to predict the final outcome--in any case, it's going to take another session to complete the work...the bottom line for me was that I had multiple consultations & chose the recommendation that made me most comfortable...good luck with your decision, I know from experience that it's a difficult one to make.

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Mike1651 -


That's an excellent idea. Did you have the old plugs removed in one strip, or did the doc remove them individually? If it was all one strip, how did you cover the scar, since it would be below your new (higher) hairline, wouldn't it? I would think that if the old plugs are below the new hairline, individual removal and closure might be better because the smaller scars should fade more with time. Just my $.02 ...


I don't have this problem myself, I'm just asking because I'm curious, and for Shearak's benefit.

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I appreciate your comments...after my doctor drew the new hairline, it was obvious that the plugs in the center were placed ok, but, four to five on each side needed to be removed...they were removed via punch extraction & cut into FU's under the microscope...each site was closed via suture...after a few weeks it was difficult to see the original sites & after 3 plus months I have a difficult time finding them...I didn't like the idea of a strip excision for that area because of the visible scar that would obviously be difficult to hide...like I said in my earlier post, I'm pleased with the choice I've made.

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I am also thinking about seeing Bernstein and Beehner, as Vogels approach to be honest is really scary and like you said would be hard to hide the scar.


Sounds like we both have the same delema. I really like the idea of sketching a hairline over the old mini's or plugs and then removing any that would stand out. Did this help bring your hair line a bit higher.


Mike who was your Doctor,Bernstein or Beehner and how much if you don't me asking did he charge you.


Thanks again

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Shearak - I think you're on the right track.


Now I have a question for any doctors reading this, or anyone else out there who has ideas on it. I have a some old donor plug scars on the side of my head. I'm wondering what's the best approach to reduce the appearance of these. You could either punch them out and close them, or put some new grafts in them. Cost is not a concern. Since my donor supply is running low, I'd favor the first approach, if it would work. I still might have to put some grafts in the resulting scars, but this would require fewer grafts than if you didn't punch them out first. I've never heard of anyone doing this, though.

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Hi Shearak:

My final choice of a surgeon was Dr. Beehner in Upstate NY...please review his website & you'll get a good feel for his expertise & fees...he responds promptly to e-mails directed to him, so, any lingering questions can be addressed...you can e-mail me direct if you would like to discuss other details of my procedure (mfh1651@msn.com)...good luck with your decision!

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Hi everybody.To Shearak...

I've just had a repair work by Dr.Woods.I had my hairline too low (it was made at 24y.,now i'm 35).

Plugs were not really thick,but we decided to take them out(3 cm higher) instead of filling the area with new grafts,not to waste grafts (i'm a norwood 6)for other areas.

He simply pulled them out,and in the holes left he

put a tiny piece of skin,that he took from my crown (skingraft).

The scabs went out 5 days ago.Same day i was a bit worried,'cause what you see is about 60-70 very small holes and a reddish area.Today i realised it is already much better (much less visible).

So far i don't know how visible it is going to be in one-two months.If it doesn't get smooth i think i will have some dermoabrasion.

Any advice from anybody will be appreciated.

Be happy.

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Thanks everyone for the great support and info. I will be sure to keep everyone updated on my corrective surgury. By the way I will be going to New York to see the two remaining Docs Bernstein and Beehner. Wish me luck.


Thanks again everyone.

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  • 6 years later...
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I am contemplating doing the same procedure, the apex of my hairline is too low and I would like it raised without WITHOUT using the browlift method.


How did these turn out for you guys?

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