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Please help me with a good surgeon in New Delhi

Bald guy

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Is anyone aware of any good surgeon in New delhi. (What about Goyle ?) I did find some but not very sure about their skills.


My another query is doctor says that it takes around two weeks for the scar to vanish and at least two months for the new implants to have a conspicous presence. Is it ok ?


Moreover what about the scar of donor area. Because in case of receipient it will heal (or concealed with the gradual growth of hair but with donor no such thing will ever happen).


Is there any post operative procedure involved ? Because doctor says that next day he will remove the hair dressing (I belive dressing for one day is the only care he is taking)


Moreover my area of around 15 sq. inch will be covered in two sessions of around an hr and half each if i opt for micrograft (and for normal graft he says it will be done in 1 day itself).

Don't you think he should not be in such a hurry.


Thanks a lot for your reply

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Is anyone aware of any good surgeon in New delhi. (What about Goyle ?) I did find some but not very sure about their skills.


My another query is doctor says that it takes around two weeks for the scar to vanish and at least two months for the new implants to have a conspicous presence. Is it ok ?


Moreover what about the scar of donor area. Because in case of receipient it will heal (or concealed with the gradual growth of hair but with donor no such thing will ever happen).


Is there any post operative procedure involved ? Because doctor says that next day he will remove the hair dressing (I belive dressing for one day is the only care he is taking)


Moreover my area of around 15 sq. inch will be covered in two sessions of around an hr and half each if i opt for micrograft (and for normal graft he says it will be done in 1 day itself).

Don't you think he should not be in such a hurry.


Thanks a lot for your reply

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  • Senior Member

Hi Bald Guy

You should find a doctor who uses Follicular Unit grafts, first and foremost. I don't know anything about the doctors in India, it is possible that you will have to travel for this, but it is absolutely worth the extra effort. Many doctors do not know or use this technique (FU grafts) but if you read the article "The Best Procedure" on this website, it will explain why the FU transplant is considered "state of the art". There are also several good scientific articles in the Research Library section. Unfortunately the majority of the hair transplants being done are NOT state-of the art, so be careful.


Regarding your questions... when the grafts are first placed in the scalp, they are quite short, mabe a few millimeters. What usually happens is that the grafts are stable for a few weeks, then they go into a "dormant phase" where the new hairs fall out, and nothing happens for several weeks. Then they will begin to grow. This waiting period is different for every person, but I believe 10 weeks is considered typical, before you start to see the hairs emerge again. Also, you may know that human hair grows about a half-inch per month or so. So it is not a quick process.


The doctor who said that your scar will "vanish". That is impossible, a scar does not vanish. I believe after ten days, the sutures in the donor area are removed. If the doctor uses dissolving sutures, I believe it can take up to a month in some cases for them to dissolve. However your scar will not "vanish". Many guys say they let their hair grow, and it covers the scar with no problems. This is one big reason to be careful when choosing your doctor- some doctors are not as good as others when it comes to "donor closure". You will always have a scar in the donor area though, it does not "vanish".


My suggestion to you is to ask your doctor to meet some of his recent patients in person, as many as possible. Not just one or two guys who work in his office, but "real patients". You need to see his work up close, from all different angles, in order to really judge his skills. If the doctor is good, he should have lots of ecstatic patients who would be happy to meet with you. Look them over thoroughly. Don't just use photos to make your decision, see the actual patients, hopefully ones who had your same pattern and amount of hair loss if possible.


This "personal viewing" and Follicular Unit grafts (only FUs, not a mix of different types) are both critical to making a decision. It is possible that you will not find a single surgeon in New Delhi who will satisfy these two requirements. You might have to travel, if you don't want to settle for something mediocre. And you should not settle for anything less than excellence, as you will have to live with your results for the rest of your life. As we all know too well, a person's hair is one of the first things someone will notice about you. I hope you find an excellent surgeon.


Just out of curiousity, where do you fit on the Norwood scale? And are you using Finasteride? Age?


Good Luck.

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It is at www.goylecosmeticsurgery.com/


First, it doesn't appear to me that Dr. Goyle is using modern methods. It says you can have a choice of a regular hair transplant, or a "Micro" hair transplant. If the regular hair transplant uses an "open donor" method, you should absolutely NOT get that. It is a barbaric practice that has thankfully become outdated in the west.


In a modern procedure, the doctor removes a strip of hair-bearing flesh from the back, and sews the gap closed. Then the strip is dissected into grafts. This is called a "strip excision" method. In the old "open donor" technique, the way of harvesting grafts was to remove them individually with a punch, and let the individual gaps heal up without sutures. In the open-donor method, the doctor does not remove a strip. Do not get the open-donor method, you will regret it. Open donor harvesting creates massive scarring on the back of the patient's head.


Because Dr. Goyle's website makes no mention of removing sutures, I suspect that he DOES practice open donor harvesting. If this is true, you should not use Dr. Goyle! His results will not be natural looking. It is better to look natural, with a bald head, than to have an unnatural looking hair transplant!


Also, it says that Dr. Goyle can do scalp reductions. Bald Guy, please do yourself a favor and do NOT under any circumstances get a scalp reduction. They are horrific operations, and they only create big scars. They have no cosmetic benefit, and most U.S. doctors refuse to perform them anymore.


It looks like India might not be up to the level of the US when it comes to modern hair transplantation. If that is the case, you should either live with your baldness, or travel to see one of the modern practitioners.


If I were you, I would look at the "Find a Great Surgeon" section of this site, and see if there are any doctors you could possibly travel to see.


[This message was edited by arfy on March 15, 2002 at 02:55 AM.]

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Thanks a lot for your letter which really enlightened me to a great extent. I am now absolutely sure that he is using old fashioned

open donor method. Till the time I get a surgeon adept in FUT I will be content with my 3A/4A scale

baldness. Regarding your query I am 29 and taking kind of homoepathic medicine for last six months but yet to see a result. By the way will Finsterid be helpful to me. Till date I have only

heard about Minoxidil and propecia. Can I use Minoxydil (though I am aware of it's side affects but don't know how much sever it can be) Or do you suggest wearing some hair systems.


With thanks

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  • Senior Member

Hi Bald guy

I'm not sure about your case, but I think Finasteride would be worth trying. If you have any hair worth saving, Finasteride should be helpful, to maintain the hair you still have left. And saving that hair is absolutely worth the effort. You should try to maintain that hair whether you get a hair transplant or not. A hair transplant will not be able to provide 100% coverage of a completely bald head, so if you don't allow yourself to become completely bald, you will be better off. Think about trying Finasteride for six months or a year, and see if it slows (or stops) your hairloss. If so, it is worth continuing. And if you do respond to Finasteride, you should keep using it after a hair transplant too, if you decide to go that route.


If I were you, I would look at the "Find a Great Surgeon" section of the website, and read every single website that each doctor has. The website for NHI (Dr. Bernstein, Rassman, Jones, McLellan etc) is especially informative. For example you can see the scarring that open donor surgery causes: http://www.newhair.com/ I would suggest that you spend some time reading about the philosophies of the recommended doctors, and you will learn quite a bit, and you will begin to form some ideas of your own. (I hope you read "The Best Procedure" that I mentioned). The best thing is to learn as much about hair transplants and hair loss as you can. Then you will be able to come up with your own plan of action.


Don't get an old-fashoned hair transplant. It is better to be a natural-looking bald person, than to have anything less than a top-quality hair transplant. Otherwise you will not look natural, and you will not be happy with your results. And your experience with Dr. Goyle should show you that there are predatory doctors out there, who do not do high quality surgery. Most of the doctors in the field fall into this category, so avoid them. Look at the "Find a Great Surgeon" list, and be careful.

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