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densly packed again

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I posted earlier this week asking if 50-55 cm2 was considered dense packing. The responses I received said that I needed to give more info in order for members to give advise. Well, the coalition Dr. recommended 1200 grafts to the front + 100 on each temple, and 800 on the crown. He also stated that that was the maximum amount that would be needed and that I'd be very pleased with the results.


I'm in my mid forties, I have fine dark hair, I am considered a class 4, and have been receding somewhat since my early twenties. However, my crown didn't become noticable until my mid thirties. I've also been told that I'd be a very good candidate for a transplant. I've even considered shaving my head, but my hairdresser won't do it because he says that I have too much hair and it would be a shame! Thanks for any input.

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  • Regular Member


I posted earlier this week asking if 50-55 cm2 was considered dense packing. The responses I received said that I needed to give more info in order for members to give advise. Well, the coalition Dr. recommended 1200 grafts to the front + 100 on each temple, and 800 on the crown. He also stated that that was the maximum amount that would be needed and that I'd be very pleased with the results.


I'm in my mid forties, I have fine dark hair, I am considered a class 4, and have been receding somewhat since my early twenties. However, my crown didn't become noticable until my mid thirties. I've also been told that I'd be a very good candidate for a transplant. I've even considered shaving my head, but my hairdresser won't do it because he says that I have too much hair and it would be a shame! Thanks for any input.

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  • Senior Member

If you are a class 4, you will most likely need more than 1400 grafts up front. Can you post some pictures of your situation?


To answer your question, yes 50-55 per cm2 is fairly dense.


2700 Total Grafts w/ Keene 9/28/05

663 one's = 663

1116 two's = 2232

721 three's = 2163

200 four's = 800

Hair Count = 5858


1000 Total Grafts w/Keene 2/08/07

Mostly combined FU's for 2600+ hairs


My Photo Album


See me at Dr. Keene's Gallery

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Like Gorpy, I'd consider 50-55 FU square cm dense packing. Yes, more can be densely packed, but balancing density with coverage is important and must be considered with a number of other variables such as the progressive nature of hair loss and available donor supply.


Without pictures it would be difficult to evaluate how many grafts we as patients think you might need.


Keep in mind that people may be a class 4 pattern but still have a good amount of native hair keeping them from being an official class 4...if that makes sense. The more native hair you have left in an area, the lesser number of grafts you will need to achieve your goals.


Please post some pictures if you'd like more accurate advice.


Best wishes,



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