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Hairmax Laser Comb


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I've been using the Hairmax lasercomb for around 1 year now. It's not better than the minox, finasteride combo but it compliments that regime nicely.

I'm not claiming that it regrows any hair, that's not what it does. What it does is make your existing hair a little thicker. It also changes the texture and quality of your existing hair by making it softer. How do I know that it works ? I've also been using it on my facial hair and have noticed a slight difference. Keep in mind that the difference is VERY subtle, don't expect a big change to happen. I use it 4x per week in conjunction with the big 3 : minox, finasteride and nizoral shampoo.

My advice is to buy a generic lasercomb since the Hairmax comb is really pricey since they have to pay for all that advertising. Hope this helps.

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