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Hair loss Questions


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Hi guys,

I would like to let you know that you guys are doing a awesome job. I have been reading through this forum about 3 months and learn a lot. Here are my questions/requests

1. Who is the recommended doctor in Bay area, CA. I went to Dr. Tom Rosanelli, M.D three months ago and he strongly suggested Propecia and Rogain first and after one year hair transplant. He said my donor area is 2 inches which is not that great.

2. I would like to know if that is the best strategy for my situation. Please find attached photograph of my hair loss. Crown is the most painful areas for right now.

3. I understand control on hair loss is longer process. Is there any thing mean while that I can put on my crown area. I tried spray but those are very messy to use. They are ok to use once in while but not for daily use.

4. If I have to start Propecia and Rogain. I would like to start Proscar 5ml which I will split in 4x1.25 and use it 6 days a week. Does 6 days enough or has to be 7 days a week. This way I can save money and intake is less too.

5. does proscar has more side effects then Propecia?

6. Walgreens has Generic Proscar 5ml for $79.99 and original formula for $220. which one you guys recommend and why?

7. I am planning to start Rogain after 3 to 6 months to see the results by Proscar first. Is that right thing to do? This is again to avoid more medicine.


Thanks and Peace

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  • Senior Member

Take the doctors advice and try the meds first as you may respond really well to them and not need a ht.

If they maintain your existing hair you will be in a better position to assess what plan of action needs to be taken.

2 x strip ht`s with Norton,very poor results

1 x fue ht with DHI,very poor result

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Thanks a lot. I will start med ASAP. I would appreciated if some one can answer following questions.

1. Who is the recommended doctor in Bay area, CA. I went to Dr. Tom Rosanelli, M.D three months ago and he strongly suggested Propecia and Rogain first and after one year hair transplant. He said my donor area is 2 inches which is not that great.

2. I would like to know if that is the best strategy for my situation. Please find attached photograph of my hair loss. Crown is the most painful areas for right now.

3. I understand control on hair loss is longer process. Is there any thing mean while that I can put on my crown area. I tried spray but those are very messy to use. They are ok to use once in while but not for daily use.

4. If I have to start Propecia and Rogain. I would like to start Proscar 5ml which I will split in 4x1.25 and use it 6 days a week. Does 6 days enough or has to be 7 days a week. This way I can save money and intake is less too.

5. does proscar has more side effects then Propecia?

6. Walgreens has Generic Proscar 5ml for $79.99 and original formula for $220. which one you guys recommend and why?

7. I am planning to start Rogain after 3 to 6 months to see the results by Proscar first. Is that right thing to do? This is again to avoid more medicine.


Thanks and Peace

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  • Senior Member

me&myhhair, If you start Proscar, Propecia or Avodart take it with the long-haul in mind, even heard a doc online say 2 years to really see if it's working so don't even miss a dose. Travel anywhere a great doctor is, and don't limit yourself tothe bay area unless you want to. The great doctors will fly you to go see them and pay part or all of your hotel--plus flight.

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