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which Dr do you guys recommend for southern California?


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Through thorough reading of this site, you will find that, unfortunately, top HT Surgeons are NOT a dime a dozen.


With the kind of investment your considering, and the impact it will have on your life (negatively or positively), for the rest of your life, you owe it to yourself to do your own research here and look through this site EXTENSIVELY. Just be thankful you found this site before jumping in "head first", and DO NOT limit yourself geographically. This is too important to get cheap on travel with. I'm a SoCalian myself, and I didn't think twice about traveling for mine. Most of the folks on this site did also. Read and you'll see why...




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Good call on the cancellation. In most cases, you wil not get the natural looking results you desire from the doctors at Bosley.


Do not pick a doctor based on location... and, in my opinion, do not have a 500 graft HT. As I recently wrote somewhere else, I had 100+ grafts placed in one temple, so I have a hard time imagining you getting the results you desire from 500 grafts if you have any kind of extensive hair loss.


There are a few world-class doctors out there and this is a great place to learn about them. You will find that each of us is somewhat biased towards the doctor who performed our surgery, however, most of the group is very quick to point out a fairly similar list of doctors in the top echelon of this field.


Next steps for you:


Read everything you can here.


Ask your questions of the group and of the doctors in the section of the forum designed for them.


If you have the chance, post some pictures. So many of us have been through this that we can at least comment on what you desire vs. you have been told vs. what we have experienced... sort of a voice of reason or sanity check, if you will.


Have consultations with each of the doctors you'd consider. Some will use a consultant for the initial education and discussion of your goals, objectives, and circumstances, but all should schedule you speak with the doctor who will be performing your surgery, if you choose to move forward. If they won't allow you to meet with the doctor, run away as fast as you can.


This is a great forum and I am glad you found it before making your decision.


Best wishes,


Mr. T

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if there is an equivalent of Bosley in every industry (medication, food, automobile, computer, healthcare, insurance, etc...). Bosley's who often charge more than the best, for a mediocre product, and the only reason they get customers is because of high profile marketing strategy. I'm sure I'm unaware of many of them, but at least I'm glad I avoided HT Bosley, thanks to this site.


"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic''. Arthur C. Clarke

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These guys really know what they are talking about!!


I am a 24 year old female, who had 590 graphs done in the front of my head last month.


I am terrified that my hair will not grow back.


I believe I experienced shock loss from the procedure (that I had no idea about, cause I did NOO research..what a dork)


Anyway, I am praying every night that it comes in somewhat normal, or else I am going to have to find a good dr. that works on women ti make me look normal, and also have to find a way to pull abot 5G's out of my behind!!


I think you did the right thung by cancelling...believe me if my hair does not come in somewht normal within 6 months Bosley Philadelphia is gonna wish they never put a hand on me...caus eI will be a psycho lady in that place!! I dont think I could afford a lawyer, and i probably would'nt win anyway!!


Good Luck


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Jen-24, Don't worry the hair will grow back. It just goes into a resting period where the follicle rebuilds itself. From what I've read, most if not all patients go through what your experiencing. I will be going thru the same thing in about 3-4 weeks. Just got 2580 grafts. I spoke specifically with the doctor I went to about this issue. He also told me that the existing hairs that are being transplanted next to might fall out as well. Depending on how close they come to the existing follicle and how many are implanted. His words specifically were "It will get worst before it gets better".


Try not to worry.

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I feel obligated to share my experiences with Shock Loss. I've had two HT's (2800 and 1500).


With my first HT, I experienced a tremendous amount of shock loss. Most of this was hair that would have eventually fell out anyway's due to my MPB. This hair did not grow back and I did not expect it to. My guess is that you being a woman most likely WILL experience GROW BACK of any shock loss. However, this will take some time. It falls into the normal hair growth pattern.


Because of the Shock Loss experience on my first HT, I was very concerned, if not scared, moving into a second HT. There is no guarantee that you won't experience Shock Loss the second time, even with those hairs that were transplanted from a previous HT and are genetically programmed to grow for life. After expressing this concern to my Dr., he suggested I start using Rogaine prior to my appointment (I had been anyway along with Proscar). I am happy to say that I experienced very very little, if any, shock loss to previously transplanted hairs, and because of this I would not be as concerned should I decide to go for round 3.


I'm almost 2 months post op from my second process. I can still feel alot of nubs when I run my hand lightly over my head. I would expect that those little guys would have fallen out already....a little worried about that, but I'm not going to panick just yet. Something I learned going thru the first HT process.


Good Luck



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