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  • Senior Member

You know that's a very good question. Some of it can be answered on the home page of this site where there is a tutorial about baldness, and level of transplantation is necessary to achieve the allusion of a full head of hair.


By recollection only, my understanding is that baldness becomes apparent when density, usually somewhere between 80-100cm2 falls below half of that.


Of course thinness plays a part too, because one of the symptoms of hairloss is thinning of hair as it prepares to die.


Consequently, a density of roughly half of your normal density will usually give you a pretty full look, and allow you to make best use of bald resistant hair, of which you have a limited supply.


One of the reasons Propecia is popular is that it can not only retard and occasionally reverse the balding process, but can allow thinning hair to thicken, and so I suppose to some extent what people view as more hair may in part be thicker healthier hair...and at that point who really cares, eh?


However, I digress. Others may have more detailed and scientific answers for you.


I will finish with this thought: Information is great, but your choice of doctor is going to be your ONLY important decision.

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