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  • Senior Member

They sell wigs and are real good at it; however, they're probably overpriced. First think about whether a wig is what you want - if that's the case, I would do some research and see if hairclub is the best around for this.


I can tell you with near certainty that you probably won't learn much during the appointment as it's going to be a sales meeting: them trying to sell you.


Actually, I do have one good piece of advice: go to the meeting, listen, but don't sign anything yet. After you've spoken to them, check around online and do your research. Then, and only then, you can go back to them and sign if you still want to.


I've never worn a wig so I can't speak from personal experience, but from reading other people's stories it's generally been a bad idea. You replace one type of anxiety with another. Where before you used to worry about how you look bald/balding, afterwards you will worry 4x more about anyone noticing your wig.

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  • Regular Member

ummmmm DO NOT sign up for the EXT program. That's their BEST case scenario. It is OBVIOUS that they try to sell that first. It is an EXPENSIVE regiment consisting of "SPECIAL" (LMFAO!!!) shampoos and conditioners and 5% minoxidil and SAW PALMETTO pills (ANTOHER LMFAO). They do this because they claim that once your on it you need to be forever....SO DO NOT SIGN UP FOR EXT...

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  • Senior Member

As a former member I would offer this advice.If you can wait for a Ht,and if you have the donor hair,the $ will be better spent on something more permanent.


1st off,I wore their "system"for nine years,had the headaches of the daily maintenance,hour plus appointment time,and insecurities when people would look at my hair.


I never knew I was a candidate for a transplant until one of the stylist suggested it.They told me they have a Dr.who has done amazing Ht's and I can talk to him and also see some of his patients results.I was amazed so I chose to get my 1st HT in June of this year.Almost 6 months later,I couldnt be HAPPIER I chose this route,I am both pleased with getting rid of the system and my surgery with Dr.McClellan.Growth so far has been MUCH more then I thought.


Though he doesnt have much of a reputation on here yet,I think because his patience dont know of this wonderful and VERY informative forum HTN.


Just my opinion,if I had to do it all over again,I would just opt for a HT for the same $ spent.


Also as Bp1 said about their EXT bullsh@t program ,they tried hard to get me to join it.I knew I wouldnt need it.It was so overpriced and we were right.


Hope this helps



1st HT 1973 FUT's with Dr.Robert Mcclellan 6/28/2007

*unfortunately I have no info on hair count on my 1st surgery ..


2nd HT 3026 FUT's with Dr. Bernadino Arocha 1/9/2014


1's - 797

2's - 3700

3's - 246

5634 hairs



3026 FUTs 1 day HT#2 post op frontal picture

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  • Senior Member

I think Glock is the one who also had a wig for years.Hopefully he can chime in .



1417 FUT - Dr. True

1476 FUT - Dr. True

2124 FUT - Dr. True

604 FUE - Dr. True








My views are based on my personal experiences, research and objective observations. I am not a doctor.


Total - 5621 FU's uncut!

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  • Regular Member

Exactly Scooter...


I was also a FORMER (alleliua!!) HCM member. I am 24 and was sucked into purchasing their EXT program. As a rookie at this hairloss thing I accepted and was sucked into paying over 2 grand for a regiment that consisted of shampooos and conditioners saw palmetto pills and the ONLY thing FDA approved 5% minox...so in other words i was paying for a 12 month supply of minoxidil...when I couldve just bought 5% rogaine and saved almost 3 grand!!! DO NOT PURCHASE EXT...it is the worst thing ever....I read a training guide that a former HC employee gave me....THEY ALWAYS TRY TO SELL THE EXT....ALWAYS first...even when they know it won't work on you!!! DONT BE FOOLED

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