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How Long for Full Effects with Propecia?


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I'm 19 and noticed my hair falling out since I was about 14. At first I thought it was nothing, but then huge amounts would be in the sink. Luckily, I was young enough that it never showed until I neared 18. So, I started taking Propecia March of this year and I'm just wondering how long does it take to see actual results?


Of course the website states "as little as 3 months", but I know that refers to a small minority with optimal conditions. To be honest, I'm not sure if it's even showing slight improvement. So, I want some feedback from actual people without bias.

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I'm 19 and noticed my hair falling out since I was about 14. At first I thought it was nothing, but then huge amounts would be in the sink. Luckily, I was young enough that it never showed until I neared 18. So, I started taking Propecia March of this year and I'm just wondering how long does it take to see actual results?


Of course the website states "as little as 3 months", but I know that refers to a small minority with optimal conditions. To be honest, I'm not sure if it's even showing slight improvement. So, I want some feedback from actual people without bias.

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  • Senior Member



Keep in mind results can vary and it may take some time to measure them. Since you are on propecia, take some close photos to document any changes, monitor and retake the photos each month. You have to be patient, hair grows slowly and it is hard to notice any drastic changes right away. It may be working for you but you may not even notice at this point, it is just too early. Also, if your hairloss just stops this may be a great result. At your age and your hormones raging the MPB will be aggressive during this stage of your life, and since you have been losing since you were 14 there is a good chance you will lose more. Hopefully the propecia will halt the loss and if your a good responder, regrow some. You should consider minoxidil(rogaine) and nizoral shampoo. Do a search on them and decide for yourself. Good luck!





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