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indian female hairline


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What are the best surgions for female hairline work? I keep hearing about Dr. Feller, Dr. Bernstein, Dr. Hasson and Dr. Shapiro. I am looking to get less than 200 graphs on the hairline. Does anyone have any recommendations/experiences/pics they would be willing to share? I have read through many of the posts but can't seem to find that much information for the female hairline. I really want it to look as natural as possible so if there are any woman out there who have any information they could give, it would be a great help to me.

Thanks icon_smile.gif

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  • Regular Member

What are the best surgions for female hairline work? I keep hearing about Dr. Feller, Dr. Bernstein, Dr. Hasson and Dr. Shapiro. I am looking to get less than 200 graphs on the hairline. Does anyone have any recommendations/experiences/pics they would be willing to share? I have read through many of the posts but can't seem to find that much information for the female hairline. I really want it to look as natural as possible so if there are any woman out there who have any information they could give, it would be a great help to me.

Thanks icon_smile.gif

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  • Senior Member

sonia, You must be aware of the fact that not many females undergo hair loss and even less number of them post their results here on this forum so it must be difficult for you to assess or find a surgeon of you need but having said that the names of the surgeons that you have hear or keep hearing about are amongst the best in the world so if you are considering any one of them as your probable choice then you are in safe hands. My advice would be to drop in a mail and asking them for their female patients they have treated . Talk to them and their patience and you will have a pretty good idea..... Cheers !!

Done done.. Check out my blog..


2785 grafts by Dr. Humayun Mohammad


My Hair Loss WebLog

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Welcome to our discussion forum.


Let me first say that all the surgeons you mentioned are world class.


In my opinion, women with hair loss should see haev a full medical evaluation and scalp biopsy in order to determine the cause of thinning.


Though androgenetic alopecia (genetic) is still the most common, other conditions can cause hair loss that are worth investigating. In many cases, non-genetic hair loss can be reversed by treating the condition causing it, and without surgery.


I hope this helps you in your research.


Best wishes,



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