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Jerry's First and Second Surgeries - Dr. Shapiro

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Congratulations on the progress you have obviously made. I'm curious as to how the new hair has affected you or those around you. I'd imagine it has been good for your morale.


I'm happy for you. Some times it just amazes me how many people Dr. Ron Shapiro has directly impacted.


It looks like your second session will really help fill in. I look forward to seeing your photos when the second session grows in.


Thanks for sharing your experience.



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Originally posted by Pat - Publisher of this Community:



Congratulations on the progress you have obviously made. I'm curious as to how the new hair has affected you or those around you. I'd imagine it has been good for your morale.


It looks like your second session will really help fill in. I look forward to seeing your photos when the second session grows in.




Okay.. well, since you asked, here's the scoop. :-)


I'm a single guy, and also a stage performer. I meet, jeez, something like 10,000 new people a year. This isn't an exageration. Shaking their hands, looking in their eyes, etc, etc.


Here's what's changed (and this is no lie): Before my surgery, people would talk with me about the performance, or chit-chatting about the weather, or whatever. Then, ever-so-slowly, while talking with me, their eyes would look UP, scan my lack-of-hairness, and I'd "lose" 'em. I mean, it was like they were off in the distance looking at the baldness.


I'm 95% sure this is the same "effect" women talk about when men glare at women's exposed cleavage. I mean, it's just THERE and shiny.. of COURSE we're going to look. And, well, I don't blame men OR women for wanting to look at my (original) shinyness.


Well, that's all over now. This is a bone-fide fact. When I'm talking with someone -- men or women, they look at ME, not my baldness, and *THIS* has been the single most important improvement to my life (personally and professionally.)


Now, I was about 90% of the way to CANCELLING my second surgery. I was *VERY HAPPY* with what I got with my first surgery. So, why did I spend the time, money, pain, etc, for a second surgery? Three situations: on-stage, in elevators and in restaurants. In each of these situations, I have DIRECT BRIGHT LIGHTS SHINING ON MY HEAD.


This was still a problem for me. I wasn't feeling "my best" in these situations and wanted it cleared up. One day, I would be FINE with it, other days, I'd be unhappy.


So, I'm 33, I figure .. better to have the second one NOW than WAIT and WISH I did it.


So, pain now, gain forever. Hope that insight is helpful into understanding my psyche ever-so-slightly.


PS: Happy I did it, but, this time I have staples in my head (not sutures) and, holy crap, they are uncomfortable. I have like 10 days to go before removal... and then, I'll really feel like I'm over the "pain" part of the operation and can ENJOY the new stuff growing on top.

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Thanks for the interesting comments on how restoring your hair has changed how people look at you.


Funny, when ever I see Dr. Shapiro or other hair transplant doctors it seems like even before making eye contact they look first to check out the hairline. I guess in the hair restoration profession the obligatory hairline check is common courtesy.


I hope the change will make being under the lights and scrutiny comfortable.



Never Forget - It's what radiates from within, not from your skin, that really matters!

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