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Hair loss due to wearing extensions!


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I'm new to the forum and I don't really typically suffer from natural and regular hair loss (I think!) but I am very, very concerned about the sudden hair loss I have just experienced.


To start from the beginning, early November 2009 I decided that I wanted to have hair extensions (the ones that are sewn in) and I really liked them as I have always wanted long hair but it never grows much longer than just below my shoulders. I took them out about a week ago, after having worn them for about a little over 4 months and more than half of my hair fell out! I didn't experience any problems whilst I was wearing them. My hair was pretty full and healthy before I am am really scared that it will never go back to that. I am of African descent with no experience of thinning hair or hair loss.


On a good note, it's not falling out anymore. It only fell out when I was taking them out. After doing some research online it does sound like Traction Alopecia and this is also what a local pharmacist told me. If it goes untreated for too long then it is irreversible. So my question is...how long is too long?? Have I caused irreversible damage to my hair in those 4 and a bit months? What can I do to promote re-growth? Is it worth taking serums and hair supplements?



My friend's mother, who is also a doctor, strongly recommended me to take Folt?©ne (a treatment for hair loss) as she uses it herself and it has made a big difference to her. Has anyone used Folt?©ne before? I would appreciate if I could get some feedback on it, or any other product that works.


I feel so depressed to the point where I am struggling to get myself out of bed to go out in public and go to work. A friend suggested that I could get hair clip in's just until it grows back (or if it grows back!). I am not sure about this though as I don't know how damaging they are (but according to my hair stylist they do very minimal damage assuming that you take them out daily).



I think I am just looking for some form of re-assurance that there is hope and that it is not doomed.


I appreciate all the help I can get!


Thanks for reading,


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If you do not have the gene for genetic hair loss than this should be a temporary situation. Continued hair pulling can cause permanant traction alopecia (hair loss). If you have only been using the extensions for 4 months, your hair loss should be temporary and start to regrow within 3-4 months.

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