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new - information on HT not related to hair loss

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I have just started learning about hair transplants, and I'm only 17.

I have a very naturally high forehead and it's something I'm EXTREMELY sensitive about. I was wondering if there are sites giving more information about transplants unrelated to hair loss.

I was also wondering at what age surgery would be sensible? (Although I don't plan on running round to the nearest doctor anytime in the next few years!) I read that it's sensible to wait until about 25 to find out how much hair the person will lose but I don't know if this will apply to me.

I have got my large forehead from my dad, however on both sides of my family the men have not lost much hair although my extremely elderly grandmother on my dad's side has gotten thin hair in the past few years. (I don't know how useful this info is, so sorry if it doesn't really matter!)


Any advice or useful websites would be appreciated!

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I have just started learning about hair transplants, and I'm only 17.

I have a very naturally high forehead and it's something I'm EXTREMELY sensitive about. I was wondering if there are sites giving more information about transplants unrelated to hair loss.

I was also wondering at what age surgery would be sensible? (Although I don't plan on running round to the nearest doctor anytime in the next few years!) I read that it's sensible to wait until about 25 to find out how much hair the person will lose but I don't know if this will apply to me.

I have got my large forehead from my dad, however on both sides of my family the men have not lost much hair although my extremely elderly grandmother on my dad's side has gotten thin hair in the past few years. (I don't know how useful this info is, so sorry if it doesn't really matter!)


Any advice or useful websites would be appreciated!

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  • Senior Member



It is hard to determine if you will lose hair based on family although it is a bit relavent.


Anyway, having a large forehead does not relate to hairloss. Your procedure would be purely cosmetic as opposed to hair replacment.


At the end of the day , it is your call but I wouldn't address this until I was in my 30's as if you lose hair , it will complicate things.



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You know, I may have guessed from the name - but I honestly didn't think about it. We do have females post here and ask questions from time to time but its more rare, so I apologize. That certainly does change things a bit - though female hair loss is possible. In all honesty though, I would still wait until your at least 30.


There are many females who have a naturally higher hairline and they still look beautiful (one of my best female friends fits this). Is it possible that you are being over critical of yourself?


Best wishes,



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  • Senior Member

No HT is truly "safe," but a HT in a female whose family doesn't show much/any female hair loss is a heck of a lot safer than most male HTs.


If you wanna risk it, then go to a good HT doctor and have your scalp looked at for "miniaturization" signs when you get a little closer to the age that you actually wanna pursue this.


Other than that, the procedure is pretty similar to male hair loss. The hairs would be removed & implanted in the same ways and would face the same potential complications.




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I was having a little difficulty finding advice for females. I understand that I'm too young right now and it's something I'll think about in the next 10 or 15 years.

It really does feel like it's the one thing that's ruining my life just now, I'm happy about everything else to do with my appearance and I'm not striving for perfection or anything, but ever since I was young and I started getting comments from my close friends and even strangers I've been pretty much obsessive.

Hopefully I'll get more confidence when I get older..


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Well you are certainly in the right place for education and encouragement. You know...you ought to tell your friends and family that you are bothered by it and hopefully they won't tease you about it anymore.


Another thing I've observed is that sometimes we tease people we love and characteristics about ourselves that we may not like are actually endearing to others.


Just some food for thought.


But Calvinmd is right...


It's certainly possible to do this - but consider all possibilities first and educate yourself.


Best wishes,



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