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A Funny Story For You

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Something interesting happened to me today. I am now 5 days post op.


I just got back from the mall to shop for a hat to wear at work this week. I work as PE Teacher in a local school district and today is a day off for the staff and students so I ran into two of my students at the mall. One is 11 yrs old and the other is 9. I am standing in line at the hat store for some time because the store computer system froze for the people in front of me and the two brothers came walking in with their father. I extended my hands and said Hey...and shook their hands. They looked at me as a complete stranger the whole time. They had no idea who I was! This all lasted about 5 seconds and immediately after I shook their hands and said "How are you?". I walked out the store. I didn't want to be in line with them for a period of time and eventually theyll know who I am and figure out something is different at top of my head. I think it was a good call to walk out and return 30 mins later after eating lunch at the food court to buy the hat icon_smile.gif


I have always had medium to long hair, and clean shaved face. The new buzz cut, goatee, and new hairline especially from their perspective looking at it from below as a kid and seeing me outside of school gave me an entirely new identity. My feelings were not hurt because I know its something positive icon_smile.gif


This every happen to any of you?? Im sure it has. I'd love to hear your story!



DR. RAHAL - 4/4/07

3489 grafts - 7571 hairs

455 single hairs

1986 double hairs

1048 three hairs





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  • Senior Member

Something interesting happened to me today. I am now 5 days post op.


I just got back from the mall to shop for a hat to wear at work this week. I work as PE Teacher in a local school district and today is a day off for the staff and students so I ran into two of my students at the mall. One is 11 yrs old and the other is 9. I am standing in line at the hat store for some time because the store computer system froze for the people in front of me and the two brothers came walking in with their father. I extended my hands and said Hey...and shook their hands. They looked at me as a complete stranger the whole time. They had no idea who I was! This all lasted about 5 seconds and immediately after I shook their hands and said "How are you?". I walked out the store. I didn't want to be in line with them for a period of time and eventually theyll know who I am and figure out something is different at top of my head. I think it was a good call to walk out and return 30 mins later after eating lunch at the food court to buy the hat icon_smile.gif


I have always had medium to long hair, and clean shaved face. The new buzz cut, goatee, and new hairline especially from their perspective looking at it from below as a kid and seeing me outside of school gave me an entirely new identity. My feelings were not hurt because I know its something positive icon_smile.gif


This every happen to any of you?? Im sure it has. I'd love to hear your story!



DR. RAHAL - 4/4/07

3489 grafts - 7571 hairs

455 single hairs

1986 double hairs

1048 three hairs





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Funny story! So you left and they still had no idea who you were? I guess they'll find out soon when your students see you in school looking the same way.


I never actually had that happen to me because I was always concealing my head when i went out and have had the goatee for about 2 years+ now. BUT, it is quite funny! Imagine how people will react in about 6-12 months when you run into people that you haven't seen in a few years =).



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Boy, come to think of it, yeah - that's great. I wonder what people will think when they see me after 6 months, Ive always had a shaved head+goatee and now I'll be clean shaven with hair on my head.


Weird. This past week, I've been looking in the mirror and thinking, "this is SO weird".

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Bill - I remember you telling me that story. I can't believe you were able to get away with it all these years! Wearing a hat does have it's benefits. Do you still wear your hat as often?? You have a good reason now not to!


In my case I stopped wearing a hat when I was about 23 - 24 yrs old because my hair looked worse when I took the hat off. My balding was more obvious when I removed the hat so I had to take a shower to get the hair have shape again. The worst part was taking the hat off at the table for dinner. I was also always afraid that the hat would speed up my hairloss. Don't know if that is true or not. Anyway, I think that if my hair is solid in 5-6 months I will be comfortable wearing a hat more often at social events icon_smile.gif


Youngguy - That is weird! Now people are going to not recognize you. Haha clean cut with a head of hair will def turn some heads icon_smile.gif You can start a new identity and a new life!



DR. RAHAL - 4/4/07

3489 grafts - 7571 hairs

455 single hairs

1986 double hairs

1048 three hairs





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I've been wearing a hat since I was 14, so breaking the habit is difficult. I will still wear a hat a lot when I go out, but it's not nearly as much about covering up a bald head as it is just my style. BUT, I've been finding more strength and confidence going out without a hat now. My hair is still thin, but it's not bald...which is a big difference. I'm still early 5.5 months too...so when my hair is thicker, more growth has come in, and my hair is longer, I'm sure my confidence will increase even more.


But hats have always been a part of my style even when i had a full thick head of hair....so I won't retire my hat collection, but I'll wear them less frequently icon_smile.gif



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