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Is it normal for the Newly transplanted hair to fall out after micro-graft surgery, (1, 2, and 3 hair grafts) and if so, what percentage?

AND... since this is my 3rd session in 2 years, is it normal for the older hair grafts to fall out due to shock and will they regenerate?



Thank you.

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  • Regular Member

Is it normal for the Newly transplanted hair to fall out after micro-graft surgery, (1, 2, and 3 hair grafts) and if so, what percentage?

AND... since this is my 3rd session in 2 years, is it normal for the older hair grafts to fall out due to shock and will they regenerate?



Thank you.

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It is normal. Actually don't be surprised if all the new transplanted hair falls out. Your doctor should have told you this. What happens is, when the hair is removed and transplanted it goes into shock and the follicle is shed. The new unit is very much alive. It then goes into the sleeping phase for a few months and then starts growing again. Don't be alarmed! It can take up to five months or longer for the new hair to start to grow. But those new follicles are alive and will be ready soon.



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  • Regular Member



Thanks again, I suspected that there would be some 'shock loss', but there wasn't much after the first 2 sessions going back to April 2002, so I became concerned.

This latest session was 6+ hours long, and many grafts were used. So it seems likely that I would be experiencing some loss, just not this much. It hurts to see them go down the drain. In my last 2 sessions, I noticed considerable growth after 6 weeks and complete growth after 90 days. At that point, my new hair was growing at a rate of 1/2" per month.

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I think the size of the grafts has something to do with it. You may have gotten mini's the first 2 sessions.


When I first got a plant, the grafts were big and pluggy. They never fell out at all! Within a couple of months the hairs were an inch long.


Now with the small size of grafts and the extra trimming to hone them down, they're almost sure to fall out.


[This message was edited by JohnH on March 23, 2004 at 02:52 PM.]

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