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how many grafts?

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I have one of those smiley face donor scars that goes from ear to ear. It averages about 1/2 width and the length is about 8 inches all together. I have dark straight hair with a medium complextion. I was wonder how many grafts you think it would take to fill in this scar? Also, how many sessions would it entail. Thanks, once again

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  • Regular Member

I have one of those smiley face donor scars that goes from ear to ear. It averages about 1/2 width and the length is about 8 inches all together. I have dark straight hair with a medium complextion. I was wonder how many grafts you think it would take to fill in this scar? Also, how many sessions would it entail. Thanks, once again

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In order to improve a donor area scar, normally one does not have to fully fill it in, but put enough grafts to break up the continuous bald scalp. One session may be enough depending on the characteristics of your hair and skin, but 2 may be better. If your scar is truly 1/2" X 8 ", you would likely need 400-500 to do a reasonable job. Grafts put into scars tend to grow fairly well, but not quite up to the same standards as in virgin scalp. Dr. M

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