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can a hairline stop recedding ?

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at a certain point without any use of any drugs or anything, just naturally you lose hair in the frontal region then it just halts or regresses so slowly that by the time it does regress more your in your 60's and your at a point in your life were you don't care about anything anymore.

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at a certain point without any use of any drugs or anything, just naturally you lose hair in the frontal region then it just halts or regresses so slowly that by the time it does regress more your in your 60's and your at a point in your life were you don't care about anything anymore.

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  • Senior Member

this question is very broad; you have to consider age, genetics, meds/no meds etc; for example if you are in your 20's and your hairline is reeceding than chances are it will continue to recede; it may be very slow, especially if you are on meds; if you have aggresive MPB and are not on meds it could progress fast; almost all males, even those who do not have MPB, will develop a mature hairline and some recession as they get older; a 60 year old who has a full head of hair still has some recession; if you have MPB and are in your 20's/30's chances are your hairline will continue to recede; with meds the process can be slowed down, or possible stop if your MPB isn't aggressive; you will have to give us more details if you want an answer customized for your situation

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