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this is blood rayne from india.i am searching for my options for a ht doctor.i am here to ask thatcan farjo's perform a big megasesson of 4000 plus gratfs?? like h&w because London is easy for me unlike canada.help reply..

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  • Senior Member

Hey bllorayne,


This is taking from Farjo's coalition page:



They are able to do mega sessions of all follicular units, up to 3,500 grafts


The above being the case I would check with the clinic.


I thought you were 100% decided on H&W? I remember a few weeks of you posting statements a long the lines of -

I am booked in with H&W, they are the best clinic in the world, they are gods and so on.
What changed?


Also can I ask, why is the UK easier then Canada?


I know its none of my business really, I'm just curious as to why you have had a change of heart, you were so certain about H&W.

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  • Senior Member

hi bloodrayne,

i did a quick search and the biggest session mick has ever put on here(that i could find)was 3900 fu.

best see the man himself to discuss and start them scalp excercises. icon_smile.gif

2381 fut Dr Bessam Farjo

2201 fut Dr Bessam Farjo

2000+ fut Dr Bessam Farjo


My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Bessam Farjo


challenge the unchallenged.

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  • Senior Member
Originally posted by Maxxy:

Hey bllorayne,


This is taking from Farjo's coalition page:



They are able to do mega sessions of all follicular units, up to 3,500 grafts

Mo h&w r gr8 but canada is very far plus my bro has a flat in london thats why i was searing for more convenient options.

The above being the case I would check with the clinic.


I thought you were 100% decided on H&W? I remember a few weeks of you posting statements a long the lines of -

I am booked in with H&W, they are the best clinic in the world, they are gods and so on.
What changed?


Also can I ask, why is the UK easier then Canada?


I know its none of my business really, I'm just curious as to why you have had a change of heart, you were so certain about H&W.

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