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Options: Medication vs HT


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Hi, I'm a newbie, and I am feeling very overwhelmed at the moment. At first, I was excited when I found this site, because I thought I could get good recommendations for a surgeon. I know that is still the case. Now, however, I am wondering if I should explore other options, first.


I believe I am about a class 5. My biggest problem is my crown. The front could use some touch up, but is acceptable... for now. icon_smile.gif


I tried some generic solution (Minoxidil?) a few years ago, but gave up on it. It was difficult to apply (It kept running all over the place). Plus, it really stunk, so I didn't want to apply it in the morning, and I often forgot to use it at night.


I read some other posts that talked about trying topical solutions or oral medications. The benefit to this would be that, if it works, I could avoid surgery. The downside would be that I would have to use it indefinitely. (But do you have to use something after HT, anyway??) I also don't want to wait 9 months or a year for full results.


Also, what are the long-term risks of using oral medications, such as Propecia? Has it been around long enough to prove that it is safe?


So, would I be making a huge mistake if I went straight for the HT procedure?

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  • Regular Member

Hi, I'm a newbie, and I am feeling very overwhelmed at the moment. At first, I was excited when I found this site, because I thought I could get good recommendations for a surgeon. I know that is still the case. Now, however, I am wondering if I should explore other options, first.


I believe I am about a class 5. My biggest problem is my crown. The front could use some touch up, but is acceptable... for now. icon_smile.gif


I tried some generic solution (Minoxidil?) a few years ago, but gave up on it. It was difficult to apply (It kept running all over the place). Plus, it really stunk, so I didn't want to apply it in the morning, and I often forgot to use it at night.


I read some other posts that talked about trying topical solutions or oral medications. The benefit to this would be that, if it works, I could avoid surgery. The downside would be that I would have to use it indefinitely. (But do you have to use something after HT, anyway??) I also don't want to wait 9 months or a year for full results.


Also, what are the long-term risks of using oral medications, such as Propecia? Has it been around long enough to prove that it is safe?


So, would I be making a huge mistake if I went straight for the HT procedure?

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Whoa!!! Lots of good questions but I would suggest that you do some more reading and research. You mentioned that you do not wish to wait 9 months or a year for results but whether you initially embrace your hairloss with a medicinal approach (Propecia) or consider HT surgery, nothing is an instant fix, anything takes some time. I am not sure how old you are but I do know that it took some time for you to reach Norwwod 5. Propecia (finasteride) takes up to one full year to accurately evaluate its efficiency, and a HT procedure takes up to one full year or so to fully reach maturation. So either way, you have no other options than to wait for results.


Neither Propecia or minoxidil will re-grow all of your hair back. You may experience some re-growth but probably would be very little since you are already at a more advanced class of genetic hairloss. And remember, neither medications nor HT surgery will cure hairloss. They simply buy us time since genetic hairloss is progressive in our lifetimes.


Also, none of us here in the hairloss community can tell you that yes, you need a HT. No one ever "needs" a HT, but it can be something desired based on making an "informed decision".


Now it is not my intention to offend you in any way but rather offer you some helpful insight as I suggested to you on the other thread. You owe it to yourself and only "you" to get your questions answered by reading up on these subjects.


Once you have gained enough knowledge concerning the dynamics and implications of hair restoration, you will have the confidence to make the decision that you feel is best for Rashomon, even if it means you decide against the procedure.


Take a deep breath and do not try and absorb too much at one time. Many of us here know exactly how you are feeling and yes it can be overwhelming. Start at the beginning, understanding hairloss and then how it can be treated. Best wishes to you!


Independent Patient Advocate

I am not a physician and not employed by any doctor/clinic. My opinions are not medical advice, but are my own views which you read at your own risk.

Supporting Physicians: Dr. Robert Dorin: The Hairloss Doctors in New York, NY

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  • Senior Member

Oh man!


Overwhelming isn't even the word I would use to describe what I felt when I first started to research my hair loss! I'll give you another little tip: once you think you do know a lot...bam something else comes along for you to explore icon_biggrin.gif.


Ok, ok. Now that I have thoroughly scared you off (I was only half kidding), I would like to welcome you to the forums. These forums exist so hair loss sufferers and hair transplant patients can discuss what works, what doesn't, and what needs to be thrown in the garbage.


While that is extrememly great, when you first walk in it can be very confusing when you see posts like, "Been on Fin for 4 yrs. Minox for 2 with success. Will try Niz 2% soon. My 2,000 FUT that was transplanted at 45 grafts per sq cm is growing in great...." it can make your head spin.


Well, a great start for you would be our newest webiste, The Hair Restoration Network and our Learning Center.


Both have great content that should familiarize you with hair loss, its causes, and some possible treatments - including surgical ones. There is also a ton of videos, interactive learning tools, and hair transplant patient "before/after" photos. Check them out for some great information.





Check out the results of my surgical hair restoration performed by Dr. Jerry Cooley by visiting my Hair Loss Weblog


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