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Laser Therapy?

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  • Regular Member

Hi there,


I'm 21 and I've recently been told that I would not be suitable to have a hair transplant until I was at least 26 for my own well-being. I am already on Prop & Min combination.


I constantly see laser hair therapy advertised on tv and was curious about it's effectiveness and costs associated with it but I can't seem to find any un-bias information on it. What are your thoughts on it? Does it actually work or is it all a lot of commercial hype? Thanks icon_smile.gif

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  • Regular Member

Hi there,


I'm 21 and I've recently been told that I would not be suitable to have a hair transplant until I was at least 26 for my own well-being. I am already on Prop & Min combination.


I constantly see laser hair therapy advertised on tv and was curious about it's effectiveness and costs associated with it but I can't seem to find any un-bias information on it. What are your thoughts on it? Does it actually work or is it all a lot of commercial hype? Thanks icon_smile.gif

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  • Senior Member

I think it's hype. You are already doing the right thing by using Propecia (and Minoxidil too).


If you have a few hundred bucks to blow, you can try a laser comb or laser therapy but DO NOT stop your cornerstone treatments.


You can get used Laser Combs on eBay, from guys who tried it. Maybe it only works for some guys, or maybe these guys only used the laser comb and nothing else. Or maybe they didn't use it correctly or give it a fair chance (a year of use). But I suspect it's baloney. Who knows? There are no real studies showing it works.

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First of all, like Arfy said, don't give up your "core" treatments of Minoxidil and Propecia.


Also, here is a recent thread discussing laser therapy. Some of the information and opinions presented are biased, but read it for its content and research this forum and actual facts before making a decision. In my opinion, there simply is not enough evidence to support spending much money on low-level laser light therapy.


Good luck in your research.





Check out the results of my surgical hair restoration performed by Dr. Jerry Cooley by visiting my Hair Loss Weblog


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