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Looking for the 2nd experience in Atlanta area


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Well, I stumbled across this website hoping to find some advice on what other people recommend concerning having a second procedure.


I first began noticing my thinning hair and receding hairline in my early 20s. It was not until last November when I was 28 that I decided to take that next step in correcting my thinning hair. I live in Atlanta and didn't really know what choices I had.


I must admit I was rather desperate at the time and didn't do the research I should have done. I saw an ad for Hair Club for Men and went in for a consultation in October of 06. Well, little did I know the salespeople were paid by commission, so now I understand why I felt like I was shopping for a used car. They were rather pushy (very nice though) in trying to sell me on getting a hair transplant, and stupid me went ahead with it, which I paid $5.50 per graft. We had agreed on 1750 grafts and I had the surgery at the end of November in 2006, performed by Dr. Gaffney from California. The surgery last about 11 hours total. The few days afterwards were not the most pleasant, but the pain drugs helped immensely. Anyway, to make a long story short, I really had nothing but praise on the work of Dr. Gaffney. He did an excellent job all around and nobody can even see the scar at the back of my head. All the hairs have been growing in well and I have had no complications at all.


Now, it's been 9 months since the surgery and I need some advice now from anyone who knows anything about the hair doctors in the Atlanta area. I really don't want to go back to Hair Club for Men. Dr. Gaffney did a great job, but I wasn't too found of the rest of the way things are done at the HCM, especially the EXT program and the impersonal attitudes I found after everything was said and done and they got my money.


I looked into HRS of Atlanta with Dr. Giommotto, but don't really know about him. He has done a bunch of hair transplants, but wanted to get other people's experiences. Financially is another big issue with me. I really don't want to spend more than $6-7 and would rather keep it under $5000, and I don't think i really need more than 1000-1500 more hair grafts before I have reached my satisfaction level. With all this said, can enyone help me out on what options I should consider. Are there other doctors in the Atlanta area who have a great reputation and who won't charge an arm and a leg?


Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Well, I stumbled across this website hoping to find some advice on what other people recommend concerning having a second procedure.


I first began noticing my thinning hair and receding hairline in my early 20s. It was not until last November when I was 28 that I decided to take that next step in correcting my thinning hair. I live in Atlanta and didn't really know what choices I had.


I must admit I was rather desperate at the time and didn't do the research I should have done. I saw an ad for Hair Club for Men and went in for a consultation in October of 06. Well, little did I know the salespeople were paid by commission, so now I understand why I felt like I was shopping for a used car. They were rather pushy (very nice though) in trying to sell me on getting a hair transplant, and stupid me went ahead with it, which I paid $5.50 per graft. We had agreed on 1750 grafts and I had the surgery at the end of November in 2006, performed by Dr. Gaffney from California. The surgery last about 11 hours total. The few days afterwards were not the most pleasant, but the pain drugs helped immensely. Anyway, to make a long story short, I really had nothing but praise on the work of Dr. Gaffney. He did an excellent job all around and nobody can even see the scar at the back of my head. All the hairs have been growing in well and I have had no complications at all.


Now, it's been 9 months since the surgery and I need some advice now from anyone who knows anything about the hair doctors in the Atlanta area. I really don't want to go back to Hair Club for Men. Dr. Gaffney did a great job, but I wasn't too found of the rest of the way things are done at the HCM, especially the EXT program and the impersonal attitudes I found after everything was said and done and they got my money.


I looked into HRS of Atlanta with Dr. Giommotto, but don't really know about him. He has done a bunch of hair transplants, but wanted to get other people's experiences. Financially is another big issue with me. I really don't want to spend more than $6-7 and would rather keep it under $5000, and I don't think i really need more than 1000-1500 more hair grafts before I have reached my satisfaction level. With all this said, can enyone help me out on what options I should consider. Are there other doctors in the Atlanta area who have a great reputation and who won't charge an arm and a leg?


Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Welcome to our community.


You have come to the right place to begin your research.


All I can say is that if you are satisfied with your first hair transplant, then you got lucky. Many people who go in blindly making emotional decisions regret their decision.


At least this time moving forward, you can go in making an informed decision if you are willing to take your time to do some research.


At the Hair Transplant Network, doctors are recommended here only when they meet our high level of standards.


A good place to start researching doctors is our coalition.


These doctors have proven to be the best at ultra refined follicular unit transplantation.


But I encourage you to do your own research. Don't just take my word for it.


If you want to start locally, I suggest checking out Dr. Edmond Griffin in Atlanta, GA (one of our coalition doctors).


But many patients have traveled across the globe to get a quality hair transplant from a doctor they are truly impressed with.


So whether you are truly impressed with a doctor in your own backyard or across the globe...don't let location be a determining factor in your physician selection.


I hope this helps.



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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Senior Member

In addition to Dr. Griffin, Dr. Cooley is in North Carolina and Dr. Rose is Tampa - both do great work (hairlines, closures, etc). If you are willing to travel a little, you really should. You will get a better transplant at a lower cost than some of the hair mill-ish places you are talking about it Georgia.

Notice: I am an employee of Dr. Paul Rose who is recommended on this community. I am not a doctor. My opinions are not necessarily those of Dr. Rose. My advice is not medical advice.


Dr. Rose is a member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

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  • 2 years later...

I got 2 different surgeries from HRS of Atlanta in the late 90's....just finished repairing their bad work last week. I'm sure things have changed since then a little, but I recommend picking a surgeon from their list like I did

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