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My first transplant in Chicago this morning( 8-16-03...8:00pm


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Hello, I still cant believe I did my first transplant, I did it at the International Hair and Surgery center in chicago WITH MRS DR KAHN.




I could not sleep last night with anticaption, and I was Nervous.. I am 3 on the norwood scale and got 1300 grafts, for 3500... It was worth it..My head was high and all the oter companys charged double, and wanted to start my Transplant higher on my forhead, I will have pics up..




The only discomfort is when they take the strip from the Back, Its only a mental thing you dont feel nothing, but you know they are cutting your skin..Other then that it was fine, I was really surpised, the Staff was good, and I am home now, just relaxing for a few days....If anybody is looking for a transplant in chicago, Dr kahn is real good and she has specials, going on right now..I am so happy its over with, dont know if I will go for another one, we will see, , so I will keep everyone posted,

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  • Regular Member

Hello, I still cant believe I did my first transplant, I did it at the International Hair and Surgery center in chicago WITH MRS DR KAHN.




I could not sleep last night with anticaption, and I was Nervous.. I am 3 on the norwood scale and got 1300 grafts, for 3500... It was worth it..My head was high and all the oter companys charged double, and wanted to start my Transplant higher on my forhead, I will have pics up..




The only discomfort is when they take the strip from the Back, Its only a mental thing you dont feel nothing, but you know they are cutting your skin..Other then that it was fine, I was really surpised, the Staff was good, and I am home now, just relaxing for a few days....If anybody is looking for a transplant in chicago, Dr kahn is real good and she has specials, going on right now..I am so happy its over with, dont know if I will go for another one, we will see, , so I will keep everyone posted,

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Well I did use my reaserch and I went to 3 other companies, and Liked where she placed my hairline, so Yes iT WAS ACTUALLY 2;90 PER GRAFT, iT SEEMS SUMMER IS A big promotion for doctors,..I studyied her and Got good responses about her from other doctors, she has 3 offices in SAN DIEGO...I am just curious how its going to look, so I will keep People POSTED

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • Regular Member

Well its been almost a Month now, the Scabs are gone, and I cant wait for the remaining hairs to fall out so I CAN WALK AROUND WITHOUT A HAT ON... I feel good about it,


.. I am thinking about a 2nd one, if SO I MAY


so I guess in 8 months we will see... AM I making any sense here?


[This message was edited by pete68 on October 19, 2003 at 12:41 PM.]

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  • 4 years later...
Guest wanthairs



this thread is 4 year sold so those guys have probably disapeared. I am very sorry to hear that you were not impressed by your procedure. I can hardly be surprised. Dr. S. Khan has a horrific reputation and dreadfull ethics according to many memmbers of this forum. i hope if you go down the transplant process again you choose a coalition doc where you can get good results...

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You get what you pay for. Hair transplantation is not a "product' you should seek a bargin on.



1417 FUT - Dr. True

1476 FUT - Dr. True

2124 FUT - Dr. True

604 FUE - Dr. True








My views are based on my personal experiences, research and objective observations. I am not a doctor.


Total - 5621 FU's uncut!

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