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very worried, need help


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  • Regular Member

I've been on proscar for a little over a year now, it seemed to be working good for a while. Recently though i've noticed my hair loss picking up, like it was before the proscar. The hairs falling out seem to be relatively smaller hairs though. I had a hair transplant about 7 months ago and im just wondering if maybe these hairs falling out are the first batch of graft hairs falling out because the more dense grafts are pushing their way up. I've heard that alot of times the follicle will grow a thinner hair first then those will fall out when the more dense ones come up. Any adice or comments on this situation will help because i am really worried about it.

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  • Regular Member

I've been on proscar for a little over a year now, it seemed to be working good for a while. Recently though i've noticed my hair loss picking up, like it was before the proscar. The hairs falling out seem to be relatively smaller hairs though. I had a hair transplant about 7 months ago and im just wondering if maybe these hairs falling out are the first batch of graft hairs falling out because the more dense grafts are pushing their way up. I've heard that alot of times the follicle will grow a thinner hair first then those will fall out when the more dense ones come up. Any adice or comments on this situation will help because i am really worried about it.

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  • Senior Member

You could be going through a minor shedding phase, which seems to happen from time to time with guys who use Propecia.


I would stay the course and keep your fingers crossed, and hopefully it will stableize soon.

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  • Senior Member

Hopefully, yes.


Propecia can induce shedding. Some people say it is a good sign because it means you are responding. I suppose that will be hard for you to believe...


I've heard that Propecia does not speed up hair loss. It may not work, for some guys. It can cause temporary sheds. But what it doesn't do is cause your hair loss to be worse.


I know shedding is a drag, but I would probably stay the course, because the potential payoff (propecia working) is worth fighting for, IMO.


This is just my 2 cents, you should discuss this with your doctor, or get some other opinions too.


Hang in there.

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