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Hi guy, first of all: YOU LOOK GREAT !!!!!!

I tried finding out how many FU's you had with your second procedure but i couldnt find it ( probably didnt look good enough ). I know you had 3000 grafts in your first. If you had the same in your second, how is your donor-supply?

depleted? Please let me know.

BTW: i saw on your site that you are only 4 months in after your HT and if you compare the results of your first HT at 4 months and the final result, u must be thrilled to see what you have still coming, you lucky guy icon_wink.gif

Best of luck



Pictures of my hairloss can be found here:



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  • Senior Member

Belgiumdude- Thanks for the post- I'm pretty pleased. I had 3000 and 2219. And I am not depleted yet. I think they say you have 8000-10,000 (average) so I guess I'm around the half way point. Gotta start planning for round three I guess.


And yes- 4 months is about 40% density. If I hold my hair down into a part, I see hundreds of new hair coming in. The old growth is about 2- 1/2 inches long and the new is whispy and about an inch. BRING IT ON! I can't wait.


By the way- I have a 2nd site- But many pics aren't working. Still waiting for Farrel to fix.

my 2nd website

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Glad you're back with updates. Your results are just incredible! I consider yours among the best results I've seen. I'm sure individual hair characteristics come into play in determining final results, but it is astonishing to see what a good surgeon can do. A person with the greatest potential can have their head destroyed by an incompetent surgeon.


IMO, no one would ever even remotely imagine that you have had any work done. They might just think, "hey, that guy has a nice head of hair."


I should add that you also look many years younger. It's really mind-blowing to see what a head of hair, properly framed, right placement, good density, angle etc and tranplanted by a top surgeon with great aesthetic sensibilities can accomplish.






My Surgery With Dr. Sharon Keene


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You hair is absolutely incredible! I can't imagine why you would want another procedure. It looks amazing, so why even go for another? This is just my opinion, but I think you have the perfect density and coverage now. Looks awesome man and congratulations!

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