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FUE = plug grafting in the new millenium???

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Here is my question for the doctors...


Isn't FUE the equivalent of punch grafting just using a smaller punch?


One difference is that punch grafting did not attempt to account for FUs or groups of FUs, where FUE does. Another is, I believe, that incisions are made to insert the FUs as opposed to the coring process used with old punch grafts.


From what I understand, FUE can only be guaranteed to be successful with single hair FUs. That is because 2, 3 and 4 hair FUs are larger than the punch, therefore, there is a limit to the size of the grafts that can be accomplished with FUE.


In addition, multi-hair FUs have roots that do not always parallel the direction of the hairs and, therfore, have greater chance of transection.


How then can this be the future of hair transplantation? FUE is being portrayed by some as equivalent to the second coming of Jesus. I don't get it, so I am asking for a little perspective here.




Mr. T

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  • Senior Member

Here is my question for the doctors...


Isn't FUE the equivalent of punch grafting just using a smaller punch?


One difference is that punch grafting did not attempt to account for FUs or groups of FUs, where FUE does. Another is, I believe, that incisions are made to insert the FUs as opposed to the coring process used with old punch grafts.


From what I understand, FUE can only be guaranteed to be successful with single hair FUs. That is because 2, 3 and 4 hair FUs are larger than the punch, therefore, there is a limit to the size of the grafts that can be accomplished with FUE.


In addition, multi-hair FUs have roots that do not always parallel the direction of the hairs and, therfore, have greater chance of transection.


How then can this be the future of hair transplantation? FUE is being portrayed by some as equivalent to the second coming of Jesus. I don't get it, so I am asking for a little perspective here.




Mr. T

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I'm not an expert, but I will be getting an all FUE transplant next month (500 FU's). For one thing, no more need for the strip scar in the back of my head. Again, I'm not a doc, but if you ask me what will cause less trauma to your head - a piece of skin cut out, or little incisions, I'd go with FUE. Less shock loss is one of the reasons I picked it, and the other is very small scar compared to strip (I believe somebody posted their pics of head shaved after FUE transplant - couldn't tell a thing. Not that you'd want to shave your head, but you get the point. It simply seems to be less invasive, and perfect for guys like me who need 1000 grafts or so to perfect their hairline.


"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic''. Arthur C. Clarke

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You are a big fan of FUE and I wish you all the best with your procedure. My hope is you realize you are depleting your donor supply by doing FUE. If you would ever need a strip procedure, you will get less grafts from the same strip than you would get having not done FUE. Just something to think about for the longer term...


I also have to add that I have a hard time imagining anyone getting any value from a 500 graft session. I had 100+ grafts placed on one temple and can't imagine what five times that volume would do for you. Something else to think about...


What I am really interested in is to see if the doctors chime in on this one as I still see FUE as punch grafting.


Mr. T

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I am having two sessions of 500 each, to further minimize the shock loss. What coverage it will give me? More than enough, with great density. From my calculations I need 12cm2 coverage (6cm2 on both sides of my temples). I am not going bald, I simply want to convert my u-shaped to the one with squared temples, which looks better IMO. 12cm2 with a total of 1000 grafts will result in about 80 grafts per cm2 density, which is pretty damn dense. I am pretty sure I will never need a strip procedure (no family history of balding, and nothing serious in my case). If I were to further progress into NW2, I have no problem getting a couple more FUE sessions in the future.


"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic''. Arthur C. Clarke

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Man, I hope your projections prove accurate, for your sake, Microprose. To not even be NW2 and draw a line in the sand like that...


Please keep us posted on your progress.


Would you be willing to post some pictures of you as you are right now, so we can compare them down the road?




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Wrong move bro.I too was not even a Nw2 looking for a teen hairline.Even if the grafts looked good(which they didnt)its the wrong move in my opinion.Maybe you'll be happier maybe you wont but now looking back thers nothing wrong with a little recession.At least you should wait a while til the north american docs master this technique ?You do realize dr. woods is the only 1 that has this down pat? whats the rush ? a year from now wont make a difference.


I had fue recently to try and fix the damage and the whole technique is exciting and all but still in its infancy.you can do whatever you want micro but it would not hurt to at least wait until its mastered here.Why take a chance?you dont have much hairloss and that could be ur naturally recessed hairline.

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Has nobody ever mentioned how genuinely distinctive you must look?


I know you're probably rolling your eyes now, but I only say that because your own self image might differ greatly from what others perceive about you?


Again, without pictures of you now, it's impossible to do anything other than speculate, let alone sympathize. I just want to make sure that society's media isn't being overly-influential here, image-wise. If there's one thing I'll always lament and ponder upon, it's why it takes SO LONG (if EVER) for most people's sense of self (and ergo self image) to become convex to the world, instead of perpetually caving-in to what's around us and remaining concave to it. How many kids still in school (or out of school) really WANT to be wearing those clothes or talking like that?


Can they even differentiate what THEY want from what they think society wants from them??


We all want to please others to a certain extent, my beef lies with when it comes to forsaking your own bleeding backbone, is all (should one even be cognizant of it's existence).


Sorry, bit of a ramble... icon_rolleyes.gif


I don't mean to come-off all parental, either. If I do I apologize. It's just that, as far as squared-off vs. NW2 is concerned, I can TOTALLY relate to how you must feel right now. If I can add just one more thing here though, it's that, as a guy, once you hit your mid to late twenties (usually starts at 23 or 24), forget about your hair, YOUR SKIN starts to change. Your peach fuzz completely hikes it, and your body literally morphs out of the "I'm still beating death" phase and into the "still very young but mature phase". I'm totally talking physically now! Once that transition is over, BELIEVE ME, often times you WILL PREFER a slight recession at the corners. You know why?


Because it looks distinctive! Maybe your time is yet to come, where you really start to come into yourself. God knows it took a while for me (physically). Physical boyhood dies a death for physical manhood to appear. Mine didn't fully materialize until my late twenties (we're all living longer and longer you know), and I'm only 31 now.


I'll shut up now. icon_smile.gif



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Not being all serious here, but I know I have a problem, and it will take either an HT doc, or a shrink, to fix it. The end result will be the same - I'll be a couple grand poorer. icon_smile.gif I read a joke somewhere that in the algebra of life, male pattern baldness unfortunatelly equals girlfirend with female pattern fatness. Oversimplification, and unjust at that, but it seems to me that ht is the easiest way to boost your self-esteem, and consequently life.


"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic''. Arthur C. Clarke


[This message was edited by Microprose on April 20, 2003 at 04:34 PM.]

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