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Post HT crown tenderness...


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I am nine days post HT (strip surgery) now and for the last several days have felt tenderness around the crown of my head. It is a little bothersome to the touch, almost feels like a bad sunburn but it isn't.


I had my grafts put in from the front hairline to about three-quarters of the way back just to the crown. I asked my daughter look at it and she said there was nothing noticeable except a little reddish color there.


When I lightly touch the area with my fingertips I can tell that the skin is stretched super tight. As it curves around and down the crown of my head. Is this tenderness normal from the skin being stretched? If it is then I will understand it will be something that will ease up with time as the skin loosen up.


Appreciate hearing from someone else that has encountered this, thanks.

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I am nine days post HT (strip surgery) now and for the last several days have felt tenderness around the crown of my head. It is a little bothersome to the touch, almost feels like a bad sunburn but it isn't.


I had my grafts put in from the front hairline to about three-quarters of the way back just to the crown. I asked my daughter look at it and she said there was nothing noticeable except a little reddish color there.


When I lightly touch the area with my fingertips I can tell that the skin is stretched super tight. As it curves around and down the crown of my head. Is this tenderness normal from the skin being stretched? If it is then I will understand it will be something that will ease up with time as the skin loosen up.


Appreciate hearing from someone else that has encountered this, thanks.

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  • Senior Member

Q...the tightness is normal, but having the crown feel like its a light sunburn isnt, especially when you didnt have any grafts there...


I would give Joe or HW a call just to be safe...icing the area is always good anyway...



4600 grafts/ 12/10/2003/ Dr. Jerry Wong

Aren't you glad you know me, and have such easy access to my dementia???

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  • Senior Member

I would monitor it closely-- Like Rugger said I dont think this is common feeling. Usually a "

sunburn feeling" is a sign of an infection. So if you see discoloration, additional inflamation, or "drainage of pores/FU's" Get to a doctor for precaution.

Numbness is one thing and "tingleness" is also a common feeling but "sunburn" is different. Probably dont have anything to worry about but keep an eye on it closely!!!

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