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worried newbie with a few (probably common) questions

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these may seem like uninformed questions that I should know the answers to so please forgive me for it has been hard to actually get a clear answer.


Im 25, and losing hair pretty fast. hairline has receded about an inch but is very very thin and see through on the top front.

i wish i looked good without hair but i look terrible and of course the anxiety is really getting to me, people are starting to comment (jokingly, but really bothers me), im sure you know the story


my questions are:

im afraid of propecia because i have been reading so many warnings and bad reviews/ side effects and im considering a transplant as opposed to propecia..i have heard that HT doctors recommend propecia along with the transplant..is this true? will I have to take a drug as well as the transplant?


Also I am having a hard time with health insurance being that my job is no longer providing it and i am not sure when i will be able to get insurance. im understand insurance will not pay for a transplant but what other problems may i have with the HT being that I do not have insurance?


Also, I cannot seem to get a clear answer on this, but honestly, what should i expect to pay total?


What do you do to cover up the new transplant in the weeks after (cannot wear a hat at work of course)?


sorry if i seem a bit uninformed, im trying to research right now but many teh answers im finding end up being ads and not a help to me,

any help would be appreciated

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these may seem like uninformed questions that I should know the answers to so please forgive me for it has been hard to actually get a clear answer.


Im 25, and losing hair pretty fast. hairline has receded about an inch but is very very thin and see through on the top front.

i wish i looked good without hair but i look terrible and of course the anxiety is really getting to me, people are starting to comment (jokingly, but really bothers me), im sure you know the story


my questions are:

im afraid of propecia because i have been reading so many warnings and bad reviews/ side effects and im considering a transplant as opposed to propecia..i have heard that HT doctors recommend propecia along with the transplant..is this true? will I have to take a drug as well as the transplant?


Also I am having a hard time with health insurance being that my job is no longer providing it and i am not sure when i will be able to get insurance. im understand insurance will not pay for a transplant but what other problems may i have with the HT being that I do not have insurance?


Also, I cannot seem to get a clear answer on this, but honestly, what should i expect to pay total?


What do you do to cover up the new transplant in the weeks after (cannot wear a hat at work of course)?


sorry if i seem a bit uninformed, im trying to research right now but many teh answers im finding end up being ads and not a help to me,

any help would be appreciated

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  • Senior Member

Hmm. Well, your questions are kind of subjective. For example, the amount it will cost depends on the number of grafts you need. And then, the number of grafts is influenced by the numbers of 1's, 2's, 3's, and 4's. On top of that, the cost per graft depends on session size. 2000 or less and you are probably paying $4-$6 a graft, over that you are probably paying less. And of course, all of this depends on the clinic you choose.


A good rule of thumb for finding out how many grafts you need is to check out your Norwood level, and then multiply that by 1000. Then figure cost from there.


As far a Propecia, it is an anti-androgen, so its not a small deal. But side effects have been non-existent for me... you really need to check it out for yourself, and don't look at the internet postings for advice. I've found that there are some people out there who would take a sugar pill and swear it made their muscles decay, hair fall out, head throb nonstop, and make them impotent. If you don't believe me, search google for "diet coke side effects".


I know this is a hot topic on here for some, with one side screaming "MEDS ARE THE DEVIL!" and the other yelling "TAKE PROSCAR OR BE BALD FOREVER!"


I'm not going to get into all that. I'm just going to tell you to make up your own mind after educating yourself on the risks and rewards.


Good luck.



I don't work for a doctor.

Got 2700 fu from Ron Shapiro, 11-30-7

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  • Senior Member
im understand insurance will not pay for a transplant but what other problems may i have with the HT being that I do not have insurance?


I wouldn't worry about that (get some insurance for yourself anyway though!) The only complication that I can think of is that lab work, which is required by a lot of doctors before the procedure, can be expensive if someone does not have insurance. I think that many of the good docs can have the blood tests done at their offices, so it might not be a factor anyway. I just know that a few years ago I was temporarily uninsured, and I had some basic blood work done at a hospital, which came out to be some ridiculous cost like $700. Definitely not bankrupting, just annoying icon_mad.gif. I think that because the blood tests required by HT docs are usually not comprehensive, but just testing for a few things like HIV, Hepatitis, etc., it shouldn't be that much.


I also feel the same way about Propecia as EmuSteve.



All opinions are my own and my advice should not constitute as medical advice.


View my My Hair Loss Website

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thanks guys for getting back to me.


do you need to take drugs like propecia to go along with the HT?




and what do you do as far as covering up the HT in the weeks after? how did that go for everyone?

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  • Senior Member

PJ, it would help us help you if you could give us some pictures to look at. I feel for ya... I am 27 and started losing my hair at around 19.


You don't need to take propecia, bit I would suggest it strongly. Guys like us losing our hair early means that we will probably keep losing it icon_frown.gif


Again, its that risk/benefit ratio that you have to decide on for yourself.



I don't work for a doctor.

Got 2700 fu from Ron Shapiro, 11-30-7

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I know this is a hot topic on here for some, with one side screaming "MEDS ARE THE DEVIL!" and the other yelling "TAKE PROSCAR OR BE BALD FOREVER!"


Indeed it is a hot topic. EmuSteve...thanks for bringing it up.


I think one must look at both arguments in order to make an educated decision.


Though I am one typically to recommend that one CONSIDER the use of such medications, it is equally important to be familiar with the potential side effects. It is also just as important to consult with a doctor.




You have been given some excellent advice by many faithful and wise posters.


To answer your last question...


You do not have to take propecia in order for an HT to work. Though Propecia may just help you keep the existing native hair you have. To learn more, I recommend that you read the following

Hair Loss Q&A Blog.


Best wishes,



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