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Some questions about Finasteride 1mg?


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I'm 20 and have noticed lots of hair fall and thinning of my hair over the past few months - Is this typical of Male Pattern Baldness?


and if it is, I've done some research and learned that Finasteride 1 mg(Which is very cheap because I live in India) can stop hair loss. Did Propecia/a generic variant help with your hair loss?? any side effects?


and do you have to get a prescription for this? who do you have to go to get a prescription?

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I'm 20 and have noticed lots of hair fall and thinning of my hair over the past few months - Is this typical of Male Pattern Baldness?


and if it is, I've done some research and learned that Finasteride 1 mg(Which is very cheap because I live in India) can stop hair loss. Did Propecia/a generic variant help with your hair loss?? any side effects?


and do you have to get a prescription for this? who do you have to go to get a prescription?

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  • Senior Member

Hello there and welcome to Hair transplant network


you should be more specific with your hairloss.


if your hair recedes from the sides that is a cause of MPB.

from my knowledge if you are thinning all over on the top of the head, that is rare but not essentially a case of MPB, you should contact a dermatologist for further reasons.


also you note that you are from india, from my knowledge, alot of people from india suffer from "alopecia"

alopecia is when you wear some type of garment on your head and wear it tight and you start to lose hair..something along those lines


some people in india wear im not sure the term..but is it turbans? and people lose thier hair cause they wear it tight.


you should get the two differentiated, propecia wont help with alopecia.


well the generic version of propecia did not come out in the USA yet so many of us will not have knowledge of that, but i heard it did come out in india(as you stated) i forgot the name, it starts with an F...something, i think its called finscar


but propecia does help with hairloss, it will help stall any further hairloss and in some cases known to grow hair, in the vertex area.


to help in your fight with hairloss you might want to add minoxidil.


and to get a prescription, you can just see a local dermatologist.


hope i helped

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Actually, I don't wear a turban or anything like that, so I don't think it can be friction related alopecia.


I have noticed a LOT of hair falling out everyday for the past few months, also the individual hair strands are becoming thinner over the past few months. I'll talk to a dermatologist about it...Thanks a lot for replying though!


And is minoxidil (Rogaine) better or is Finasteride (Propecia)Finasteride is cheaper here and seems hassle-free(a tablet a day) instead of applying 1ml Minoxidil solution with a dropper on the scalp, but the possible side effects of Finasteride freak me out!!!


PS: We have lotsa generic finasteride brands here: Finax, Finpecia, Finscar, etc. etc. all for about $3 a month. 5% Minoxidil is about $7 a month. Makes me happy about indian drug laws!

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you asked the question, which is better minoxidil (rogaine) or finasteride(propecia).


its not about which is better, its more that they aid eachother.

and the hair grown from each drug depends on the drug that helped it grow out.


for example if a person is taking minoxidil and finasteride for example 1 year and he decides to stop taking minoxidil, the hair that he gained while receiving minoxidil will be lost. ...this holds true even if he continued finasteride.


i like to think of it like this, minoxidil helps regrow NEW HAIR, and finasteride slows down the process of MPB, and the reason people beleive that finasteride regrows new hair is that those little folicles that are almost depleted which dont think they will grow any more hairs out are given a rejuvination, thus new hair is grown.


from personal experience, i have regrown new hair using minoxidil. (i used minoxidil for 3 months prior to adding finasteride to my regiment) and i seen great results.


yes i agree dropping 1ml of minoxidil twice a day is hard, but its probobly worth it.

alot of people here dont use it cause of it being a hassle.

my recommendation to you is that you try it out and see if you can handle it, if you cant drop it.


and yes the side effects of finasteride freak me out, but reportadly it only happens in 2% of people who use it, and the side effects are gone once u stop taking it.


i personally dont beleive the 2% number but nothing more i can say about that, if you use it and you experience side effects i would just simply drop it.


haha it aint good to brag about the prices you pay for your drugs, everyone else will get mad! haha


alot of people wont buy from indian pharmacist because people dont trust drugs that will be shipped through the mail...


alright before i go, you mentioned that you were 20, and just incase it was on your mind, you are too young to have a HT, wait atleast i would say atleast 5 years become very knowledgeful of the subject and go in, and during that time you should come to the US for a HT. there has been patients who posted thier pics after thier HT..and it well did not look so well.



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