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quick question?


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Hey guys, I'm from Brazil and I've been followig this forum everyday, I was wondering with any of you could help me with some info. First I would like to know in a strip procedure of 2000 grafts , what would be tha size of the strip taken off the donor area? and if the procedure involves 4000 grafts would it be twice as big? Now , I've talked to my HT doc and he told me that in a 2000graft strip, probaly will grow about 4500 single hairs , What about a 2000graft FUE? that would be 2000 single hairs comming out?

Thanks a lot guys.



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Hey guys, I'm from Brazil and I've been followig this forum everyday, I was wondering with any of you could help me with some info. First I would like to know in a strip procedure of 2000 grafts , what would be tha size of the strip taken off the donor area? and if the procedure involves 4000 grafts would it be twice as big? Now , I've talked to my HT doc and he told me that in a 2000graft strip, probaly will grow about 4500 single hairs , What about a 2000graft FUE? that would be 2000 single hairs comming out?

Thanks a lot guys.



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The size of the strip will depend alot on you individual hair density and scalp laxticity.


If you have really thick dense hair, with a elastic scalp the doctor should be able to get a good size strip that could yield 4000+ fus. If your hair is really thin, the same size strip may only yield 2000 or so...


You don't want too big of a strip though, as that is what can lead to scar stretch back.


Do some more reading of the posts and learn alot before deciding to get a HT.


Just waiting...



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  • Senior Member

Hi Brazilian,

I never heared of taking out a 2000 grafts strip with only single hairs comming out. I am almost certain there is a misunderstanding involved.

An FU graft can contain 1,2,3 or even 4 hairs. Most people have a good mixture of these grafts and most contain 2 hairs usually. I believe most dr. use the times 2 factor. So if you have 2000 grafts harvested you get something like 4000 hairs.

FUE can extract the same amount of grafts for you and the dr. can be more selective. He can for example aim for the 1 and 2 hair grafts if he wanted to.

So in all the amount of hairs you get from strip or FUE will not be very different.


1800 grafts strip followed by 2100 FUE by Dr. Jones for who I am doing consultation work in Europe.

Consultant-co owner Prohairclinic (FUE only) in Belgium, Dr. De Reys.


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