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FUE bodyhair and temple point


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Hi there!


I was just wondering whether it was advised to reconstruct the "temple points" (or "Elvis temples" don' know the exact name...) or not.


I thought that way I could improve the resulting appearance of my hairline to better frame my face while preserving my donor site.


The trouble is FUE are still so expensive! The rumour has it that bodyhair transplanted in the scalp tended to mimmick hair as time passes...



What do you think?



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  • Regular Member

Hi there!


I was just wondering whether it was advised to reconstruct the "temple points" (or "Elvis temples" don' know the exact name...) or not.


I thought that way I could improve the resulting appearance of my hairline to better frame my face while preserving my donor site.


The trouble is FUE are still so expensive! The rumour has it that bodyhair transplanted in the scalp tended to mimmick hair as time passes...



What do you think?



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Those "temple point" hairs are right out in the open. They have to be fine and soft as possible, otherwise it looks "off".


I don't know if I would put body hair there.


If I was going to use body hair, I would mix it in with regular hair in a place that wasn't right there up front, as a part of my face, the way temple points are. I would put body hair in the back, etc... Not in the hairline. The temple points are just as critical as the hairline. Don't use 2nd choice grafts there, unless it is absolutely necessary.


What if body hair goes gray at a different time than your head hair? Then it wouldn't match. There are a lot of unknown variables with body hair.


The temple points add a nice detail that gives extra realism. On the other hand, you can't afford to screw those up. Be careful.


[This message was edited by arfy on February 15, 2004 at 10:25 AM.]


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you probably mean your temples which are in most cases the sign of beginning hairloss. Arfy is right, those hairs should be very very fine like they are by nature. Put voarse hair in the temples and it will look freaky. Those hairs grow in your neck-area ( the part that the barber shaves of ). Body hair should only be used for filling in crown and midscalp and shouldnt be used for hairline and especially temples. Those neckhairs could be taken with the new 0,1mm ( not sure if the size is correct, i mean the new needles that Woods used on a poster of this forum ) needles and should result in NO visible scarring due to the small needles used. If you have the guts to do it icon_wink.gif, pull out a hair from your temple points and one of your donorarea and compare. there is a very big difference between the 2 in thickness. Imagine placing those coarse hairs in you temples and you can start thinking it just wont look good.

When you have coarse hair, this is very good for coverage, but for hairlines and temples, you should have to get finer hairs.


Pictures of my hairloss can be found here:



Pictures of my hairloss can be found here:



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Thanks for your promt reply, guys!


I think you're totally right! I could do with neckhair. I hadn't thought about it! Besides, I've got plenty of these. And It should look quite more natural as well.


See you and keep a-rollin'!


ps : Hey Arfy, is it you on the pic?



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Neck hair may not be permanent. It's not considered part of the pernmanent donor area. It's not where I would turn to for donor hair, unless I was desperate.



I provided a visual aid to show you the area that people call the temple points. The temples are a different area. Please, I spent hours on that pic, please don't tell me you didn't notice. icon_wink.gif


No, that is not me in the pic. I wish I had a fraction of the hair that guy has.

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I provided a visual aid to show you the area that people call the temple points. The temples are a different area. Please, I spent hours on that pic, please don't tell me you didn't notice. icon_wink.gif




Sure did boss, and a great job you did with the pic icon_biggrin.gif



Is there a time frame in which the neck hairs start falling out? My assumption is this will happen when you get older SO why isnt this a good idea? I always hear highschool hairlines look odd when you are older so when you put those fine neck hairs in the hairline and temples followed by 1 hair FU's and then 2,3,... wont this be a good idea? When the neck hairs start falling out, so will the ones in the direct front of the hairline and temples so you will recede a bit when you get older, and if they dont fall out, you will still have the hairline...

I still believe this is a good idea WHEN you wont have any visible scarring in your neck from extracting the hairs.

Natural hairlines can be made even with coarse hairs but temples just cant, that is why those fine hairs are SO important when you want temple work.

Who knows a person has 500 to 1000 of these neck- FU's. this puts another extra in case of donor yield.


Pictures of my hairloss can be found here:



Pictures of my hairloss can be found here:



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