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Welcome to the HTN.

To cut to the chase, to be proactive about your hairloss, you have basically two medical options: Rogaine (minoxidil) and Propecia (finasteride).

I note that you do not want to use "hormones", however neither of these medications are classified as hormones.

It appears from the history (personal and family) that you indeed have the genetic predisposition for MPB (Male pattern Baldness), also known as androgenic alopecia.

Note that 90% of men who take propecia have a slowing or cessation of their hair loss, while another 10-15% will experience regrowth, albeit mostly limited to the crown area.

Also note that using rogaine and propecia together gives synergistic results, ie, "1+1=3".

I strongly urge you to consider these medications as soon as possible, as, given your age and what I can interpret from the photos you have provided, you are quite advanced (in terms of loss), and, without medication, you will surely continue to lose your hair.

Hope this helps.

Timothy Carman, MD ABHRS

President, (ABHRS)
ABHRS Board of Directors
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Yes, you need 9 months to a year to really assess how you respond to the medication.

And yes, the medication only works if you take it.

If you discontinue finasteride (propecia), it will take two years for your hair to "regress" to the point that it will appear the way it would have had you not been taking the medication.

I try not to think in terms of "having to do it for the rest of your life"; I mean, after all, if you want to stay in good shape you have to take care of yourself (exercise, eat healthy, get plenty of rest) "for the rest of your life";

I guess it's a matter of what you are willing to do to maintain your health/appearance.

I personally have been taking finasteride for about six years now, and, it's just part of my AM routine- like showering, brushing my teeth, etc.

Timothy Carman, MD ABHRS

President, (ABHRS)
ABHRS Board of Directors
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