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Anyone using FNS?


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I have been using FNS for a little over a month now, and I have to say that I feel as if I have seen results. A little background on me to give you...I was an early class 4 late class 3 on norwood scale who had been wearing a "rug" from HCM for about two years....felt like most others....like a phony....so I ended up having around 1200 grafts I believe April this year with Dr. Roy Jones of NHI...whom I would recommend to anyone by the way. I had been letting my hair on crown on top grow for a bit, and took rug off early July. I have now been on rogaine and propecia for six months or so, and I see the effects of these kicking in. However, in July, after reading an article on FNS in Men's Health, and doing a bit of research myself...I said...what the hell...I'll try FNS too. $195 for a four month supply is not that bad. Yes, it is not super cheap....but after spending a minimum of $300 a month after a $1500 initial fee to wear a rug...paying about $100 a month for propecia, rogaine, and FNS....seems pretty cheap. Anyways, I believe the use of FNS has been beneficial for me. Of course, in consideration of my history, I am at the stage where my hair seems to be growing and thickening everyday (4 month post op), so it may be better for me to evaluate FNS at a later date. However, at this time, I believe it has accelerated my growth in transplanted areas, while contributing to the effects of propecia and rogaine. One thing I know it has done for sure has soften my hair and provide it with a healthier look. My transplanted hair is fairly coarse and thick (which is a good thing), but the use of FNS has softened the hair a bit and made it more manageable. Again, please take my opinion for what it is worth in consideration of my history I have presented, but I do beleive FNS was well worth my investment at this time, and I will probably be able to provide better feedback on it towards the latter part of this calendar year. With that in mind, I would recommend you give it a try if your budget allows for it. You can also email me at seth_hobart@yahoo.com if you have specific questions. Thanks!

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