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Need surgeon in Los Angeles

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I live in southern California and I'm seriously contemplating a 3rd hair transplant procedure. My first 2 procedures (total of about 2,200 grafts) have not yielded the desired density.


Can anyone recommend a great surgeon who can deliver density in the Los angeles/Beverly Hills area (aside from Bosley and NHI)?


I've googled several web sites and it seems like the Canadians surgeons promise density, most notably Dr. Armani in Toronto and Dr. Hasson and Dr. Wong in Vancouver. Is there a reason I should fly from the plastic surgery center of the world (Los Angeles, CA) to Vancouver/Toronto?


Any comments or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


John C

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I live in southern California and I'm seriously contemplating a 3rd hair transplant procedure. My first 2 procedures (total of about 2,200 grafts) have not yielded the desired density.


Can anyone recommend a great surgeon who can deliver density in the Los angeles/Beverly Hills area (aside from Bosley and NHI)?


I've googled several web sites and it seems like the Canadians surgeons promise density, most notably Dr. Armani in Toronto and Dr. Hasson and Dr. Wong in Vancouver. Is there a reason I should fly from the plastic surgery center of the world (Los Angeles, CA) to Vancouver/Toronto?


Any comments or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


John C

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  • Regular Member

Hi JohnC,


Welcome to the forums. I think that having found this site prior to your next HT will be a real help.


Although Los Angeles is well known for plastic surgery, the best HT doctors are geographically dispersed. Please see the following link for some top notch doctors.




While you will find some of these doctors closer to your location than others, I think that geography should not be your primary determinant. You should view before/after pictures and have consultations with various doctors on the list.


Can you share any pictures with us? Also, are you currently on finasteride? If not, this would be vital in maintaining your existing hair.


Feel free to post any questions.



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Yes a visit to H&W should be in order.


It is a real problem that in the plastic surgery capital of the world, there is only Dr. Rassman and Dr. Pak who are doing what I would consider very good work.


However, there are a few HT docs who produce conistently great results.... H&W is one of them.


I would spend some time searching Armani on this site to get a feel for how he is viewed here.


Good Luck!


Go Cubs!


6721 transplanted grafts

13,906 hairs

Performed by Dr. Ron Shapiro


Dr. Ron Shapiro and Dr. Paul Shapiro are members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

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